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EAPC Young Ambassadors: who they are

Discover the EAPC Young Ambassadors' profiles.



Arash Nemat, MD, cardiologist, scientific researcher, and assistant professor in the Microbiology department of Kabul University of Medical Sciences (KUMS), Kabul, Afghanistan.

He is also working as a medical doctor at the echocardiography lab of Ariana Medical Center, Kabul, Afghanistan. In mid-2018 he received a scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC) in the Cardiology department (Nanfang Hospital) of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China. His master's research includes conducting a meta-analysis to investigate the effect of SARS-COV-2 on cardiovascular diseases. His research focuses on medical preventive programs. He would like to work further on promoting healthy lifestyle, cardiovascular screening and preventive care in cardiology.


Dr Ani Tavaratsyan

Areas of Interest: Healthy Diet Advocacy, Screening and Early Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases, Community Outreach Programs
Place(s) of work: Erebouni Medical Center
Short bio: Born and raised in a family of scientists, I graduated with honors from Yerevan State Medical University and currently work as a cardiologist at the largest tertiary care hospital in my country. I hold a United States medical license and am passionate about advancing cardiovascular research, particularly in heart failure and echocardiography. After attending my first European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) Congress in Athens, I was inspired by the young community there and saw a need for similar initiatives in my country. This led me to apply for the position of Young Ambassador for the EAPC, a role I am honored to hold. In this capacity, I am committed to organizing workshops and encouraging active participation among my peers to promote health awareness and advance the mission of preventive cardiology in our region.


Christian Verdicchio



Dr Patrick Haider

Areas of Interest: Dyslipidaemia, Lp(a), innate immune system in disease
Place(s) of work: Medical University of Vienna – Cardiology Department
Short bio: 2018 – 2023: PhD in Vascular Biology at the Medical University of Vienna. Since 2021: Resident at the Cardiology Department of the Med. Uni. Vienna


Dr Ilaha Abdurahmanova (Aghaeva)

Areas of Interest: Treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease, improvement of diagnostic methods (invasive cardiology, cardiac imaging), coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, heart failure, cardiac rehabilitation, preventive cardiology, atherosclerosis, dyslipidaemias, etc.
Place(s) of work: 
Medical Hospital of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic/ Cardiology Department
2.Azerbaijan Medical University
3. Military Scientific Research Institute of the National Defense University
Short bio: Ilaha Agayeva is a cardiologist of Medical Centre of Ministry of the Emergency Situations. MD, PHD of Military Scientific Research Institute of the National Defense University, Member of ESC, Silver Member of EAPC, Editorial member of International Young Cardiology Academy and  of the member of The Preventive Cardiology and Scientific Research task-force of Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Prof Edin Begic

Areas of Interest: Cardiology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Place(s) of work: General hospital “Prim.dr. Abdulah Nakas”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of Pharmacology, Sarajevo Medical School, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Short bio: Edin Begic is a cardiologist with interests in cardiovascular imaging, the role of venous thromboembolism parameters in atherothrombosis and acute coronary syndrome development, and the pathogenesis and markers of heart failure.


Roger Tenezaca


Dr Jana Schellenberg

Areas of Interest: Sports Cardiology, Cardiac Imaging, Prevention of cancer-therapy related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD)
Place(s) of work: University Hospital Ulm, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine
Short bio:
04/2024: Research stay at CERG (Cardiac Exercise Research Group), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
04/2023 – current: Elected member Nucleus Sports Cardiology of the DGK
01/2022 – current: Specialist in internal medicine and Research and student teaching for cardiovascular prevention, altitude medicine, University Hospital Ulm, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine
10/2019 – 12/2021: Specialist in internal medicine, Institute for Sports-, Alpinmedicine and Health tourism, Innsbruck
01/2013 – 09/2019: Assistant doctor in cardiology, Nuremberg Hospital, Cardiology


Panteleimon Papakonstantinou

Areas of Interest: Atrial Fibrillation, Anticoagulation therapy, Electrophysiology, Arrhythmias, Stroke
Place(s) of work: 
1. Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellow (Post-CCT)
2. Heart and Vascular Centre, Mater Private Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
3. Cardiovascular research institute, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Dublin , Ireland
Short bio:
MD (University of Crete) 
MSc (University of Athens) 
PhD (University of Crete) 
Post-Doc in atrial fibrillation (University of Athens)
Cardiology training (Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece


Dr Francesca Graziano

Areas of Interest: Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology - Preventive Cardiology - Functional evaluation and clinical application of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing – Imaging (Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and Echocardiography) -Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death – Cardiomyopathies
Place(s) of work: Heart and Vascular Centre, Department of Sports Medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest. Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences and Public Health, University of Padova, Italy 
Short bio: I graduated from the University of Siena, Italy, and completed my Cardiology residency at the University of Padova, during which I also completed a fellowship in Hungary. I am currently a PhD student at Semmelweis University, Hungary, and a Research Fellow at the University of Padova.


Andriany Qanitha



Liran Bradichansky B.Ed, M.A, Non-Medical Head of Cardio Rehabilitation, Bnei- Zion Medical Center.

Actively involved in several research activities. "My aim is to create better linkage between physical training science and principles to the rehabilitation programs, in order to maximise their efficacy and benefit."


Dr Luna Cavigli

Areas of Interest: Primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
Personalized exercise prescription; Cardiopulmonary exercise test; Cardiac rehabilitation; Cardiomyopathies; Preparticipation screening of athletes
Place(s) of work: University of Siena, Italy, Dept. Medical Biotechnologies, Division of Cardiology, Sports Cardiology and Rehab Unit
Short bio: Cardiologist and Researcher. I graduated in Medicine and Surgery, specialized in Cardiology, and completed my PhD, all with top marks and honors.



Barbara Vitola, MD, trainee cardiologist at Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital and Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia.

Specialises in cardiovascular imaging - exercise stress testing and nuclear cardiology. Focuses on preventive cardiology, emphasising women’s heart health. Major area of scientific interest is coronary microvascular disease and its endotypes, including intracoronary physiology measurements. 



Dr Vaida Sileikiene

Areas of Interest: I am interested in Primary and Secondary Prevention Cardiology; I am Interested in Structural Heart Disease as well.
Place(s) of work: Vilnius University hospital Santaros Klinikos, Kardiolitos Clinics, Affidea Clinics
Short bio: I am a cardiology doctor. I am working almost 10 Years with Primary and Secondary Prevention patients. I am also phD student at the moment.
In my free time, I like skiing, cycling, swimming.


Rachel Anne Xuerebµ


Dr Maryam Mouadili

Areas of Interest: Therapeutic education and cardiovascular rehabilitation.
Place(s) of work: University mohammed VI Polytechnic . Faculty of medical science.
Short bio: I am a cardiologist graduated from cady Ayad university in marrakech in 2019. Between 2020 and 2024, I did a cursus in France with several fellowships (at the center hospitalier de lens, CHU de strasbourg, Centre Hospitalier de Dunkerque and CHU de lille. Last position: associate practitioner at the Centre Hospitalier de Dunkerque. I obtained several diplomas from French universities during this course:
Diplôme de formation médicale approfondie en cardiologie
diploma in echocardiography (2 years)
diploma in cardiology intensive care
diploma in non-invasive vascular imaging
diploma in cardiovascular rehabilitation.I am currently a clinical research fellow at the faculty of medical science (University Mohammed VI Polytechnic Bengurir, Morocco.


Mari Nordbø Gynnild

Areas of Interest: Cardiovascular risk prediction, secondary prevention, cardio-oncology, echocardiography.
Place(s) of work: Clinic of Cardiology, St. Olavs University Hospital
Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Short bio: Postdoctoral research fellow and specialist-in-training in cardiology / internal medicine


Dr Pedro Alves da Silva

Areas of Interest: Cardiac Rehabilitation, Preventive Cardiology, Echocardiography, Heart Failure
Place(s) of work: ULS Santa Maria – Hospital Santa Maria (HSM), Hospital dos Lusíadas Lisboa
Short bio:
Born in Lisbon in 1993
Graduated from Lisbon Medical School in 2017
Cardiology residence in Hospital Santa Maria from 2019-2024
Fellowship in Preventive Cardiology in Bern 2023
Working now in Cardiac Rehabilitation Department and Echo Lab in HSM



Maria Alexandra Pana

Areas of Interest: heart failure, preventive cardiology, sports medicine
Place(s) of work: Cardiology Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bagdasar-Arseni Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Short bio: Cardiologist in training, PhD, Teaching Assistant

Saudi Arabia

Ahmed Elgohari


Dr Zorana Bogicevic

Areas of Interest: cardiology, cardiovascular prevention, dyslipidaemias
Place(s) of work: Institute for cardiovascular diseases ‘Dedinje’ - Cardiovascular diseases prevention centre, Belgrade, Serbia
Short bio: I am a clinical doctor currently completing my residency in internal medicine and pursuing a PhD in cardiovascular medicine. While my clinical work focuses on managing patients with elevated cardiovascular risk, my research centers on lipid disorders and their role in early-onset myocardial infarction. As an active member of Hypertension, Infarction and Stroke Prevention Association (HISPA), dedicated to cardiovascular prevention in Serbia, I am committed to advancing cardiovascular research and improving prevention strategies for at-risk population.



Tim Kambič

Areas of Interest: Exercise training, physical activity in cardiac rehabilitation; exercise intolerance, frailty and sarcopenia in cardiovascular diseases.
Place(s) of work: Research Fellow and Kinesiologist: Cardiac rehabilitation, General Hospital Murska Sobota, Murska Sobota, Slovenia (2018-2022)
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology: Department of Medical Sciences in Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2023-ongoing)
Visiting Reseach Fellow: Department of Medical BioSciences, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (October to December 2024)
Short bio: Kinesiologist with particular interest in mechanisms of exercise intolerance and novel exercise training modalities for optimisation of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation. Author of more than 35 peer-reviewed articles in leading journals (NEJM, JAMA, EHJ, BJSM, EJHF, EJPC, Journal of Physiology, etc.).



Antonia Vaquer Segui

Areas of Interest: Sports Cardiology, Risk Factor Control and Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiac Rehabilitation and Cardiomyopathy
Place(s) of work: Hospital San Juan de la Cruz, Úbeda (Jaén)
Short bio: My area of expertise is Sports Cardiology. In the past, I have worked in cardiovascular screening of elite athletes, both at Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and the Institute of Medicine and Sport Sciences of the Italian National Olympic Comittee in Rome. I also took part in several research studies within the field and I have vast experience in CVD Prevention. Currently, I am starting a brand new Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit at my hospital.


Dr Ko Ko Maung

Areas of Interest: CVD epidemiology, risk validation, translational research, Lipidomic
Place(s) of work: Internal medicine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland
Short bio: Burmese medical doctor, currently a Md-Phd candidate at the university of Lausanne. Also, a nucleus member of Population Science and Public Health Section of EAPC.

The Netherlands

Danny van de Sande


Dr Ajar Koçak

Areas of Interest: Atherosclerosis, Preventive Cardiology
Place(s) of work: Ufuk University, College of Medicine
Short bio: I am a practicing cardiologist with a keen interest in preventive cardiology and cardiovascular risk management. I am a member of Ankara City Council's Public Health Working Group and an active member of the Turkish Society of Cardiology (TSC) serving as the coordinator for the "ESC-TSC CVD Prevention" group. As a Young Ambassador, I focus on advancing innovative strategies in preventive cardiology and aim to build global collaboration to improve cardiovascular health.



Dr. Olena Torbas, Ukraine

"I have been working in cardiology for 10 years. For a long time, I studied the prevention of the development of severe target organ damage by correcting central blood pressure and arterial elasticity. Later, I began to investigate the formation of LV diastolic dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension. All that led me to the idea to create my own PULSE-COR registry, the purpose of which was to demonstrate which factors are involved in the occurrence of major cardiovascular diseases in the general population."

United Arab Emirates

Sampath Kumar Amaravadi



Jamol Uzokov is a PhD candidate and cardiologist at the Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation in Uzbekistan where he carries out research and works with patients. He is an author and co-author of number of scientific papers, abstracts, monographs and methodological manuals. He joined the EAPC as a Young Ambassador for a new mandate in September 2022.