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EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Nucleus

Monique Verschuren

Chair, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Head Department of Chronic Diseases Determinants, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, Professor of Healthy Vascular Ageing, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands

PubMed l Institute Link 

Pedro Marques-Vidal

Chair-Elect, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland

PubMed l Institute LinkPersonal Link l email

Maryam Kavousi

Secretary, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section 

Eva Prescott

Past-Chair EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Professor, Department of Cardiology, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Member of the steering committee for the Copenhagen City Heart Study.

PubMed l email 

Olga Barna

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section

Jean-Claude Barthelemy

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section

Emanuele Di Angelantonio

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section 

Christine Graf

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Position: Professor, Head of Dep. for Physical Activity in Public Health at the Institute of Movement and Neurosciences, German Sport University.
Vicepresident of the German Society of Sportsmedicine and prevention

PubMed l Institute Link l email

Ian Graham

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Member, EACPR Prevention Implementation Committee
Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at Trinity College, Dublin and a Fellow of College



Eugenio Greco

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Contract Professor of Technical Science and Laboratory; School of Medicine, Study University of Catania, Italy; Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology

Professional network l Personal link l email


Maja-Lisa Løchen

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Member, EAPC Communications Committee
Professor of Preventive Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø; Senior Consultant in Cardiology, University Hospital of North Norway

PubMed l email

Luigi Palmieri

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section


Demosthenes Panagiotakos

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Member, EAPC Science Committee
Professor in Biostatistics, Research Methods and Epidemiology at Harokopio University in Athens, Greece

Web link l Google scholar

Uwe Nixdorff

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
EAPC Secretary and Communications Committee Chair
Associate Professor University Clinic Erlangen, Germany; CEO European Prevention Center

PubMed l email

Kausik Ray

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Professor of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Division of Cardiovascular Sciences
St George’s, University of London, Honorary Consultant Cardiologist St George’s Hospital NHS Trust. email


Monica Tiberi

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Sports Medicine Specialist, Department of Public Health, Sport Medicine and Physical Activity Promotion, ASUR Marche. Ancona, Italy 

Institute Link I email


Vassilis Vassiliou

Nucleus member, EAPC Prevention, Epidemiology and Population Science Section
Member, EAPC Education Committee
Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Brompton and West Suffolk Hospitals
Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London