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EAPCI General Assembly - EuroPCR 2022

The EAPCI General Assembly will take place during EuroPCR on Thursday 19 May from 13:30 to 14:30 CEST in Room 253 - Paris, France.


  • Welcome address - Dariusz Dudek, EAPCI President
  • Association activity report - Dariusz Dudek, EAPCI President 
  • Treasurer's report - Alaide Chieffo, EAPCI Treasurer
  • EAPCI Grants Winners Announcement - Nicolas Van Mieghem / Thierry Lefevre, EAPCI Fellowship Grants Programme Committee Chair / Co-Chair
  • EAPCI Board 2022-2024 election results - Andreas Baumbach, EAPCI Past-President
  • Vote* and approval of the resolutions - Dariusz Dudek, EAPCI President
  • The future of the EAPCI - Emanuele Barbato, EAPCI President-Elect


*As per the EAPCI Constitution, only EAPCI members with a place of work (or a mailing address in the event that the country of work is not available on ESC database) in an ESC Member Country have voting rights at the EAPCI General Assembly . Please note that the Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiology and the Russian Society of Cardiology are temporarily suspended from the membership of the ESC. Read ESC Statement.