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A cardiac surgery nursing professor and her role as chair of the ACNAP Science Committee

By Dr. Suzanne Fredericks, ACNAP Communication Committee Member 2022-24

The ACNAP Communication Committee is pleased to introduce Prof. Julie Sanders.

Prof. Sanders is the Director of Clinical Research at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and Clinical Professor of Cardiovascular Nursing at Queen Mary University of London. She is responsible for developing research and clinical academic career opportunities for nurses and allied professionals (NAP) in cardiovascular care.

Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions
Cardiovascular Nursing


Julie Sanders.jpgProf. Sanders is the Chair of the ACNAP Science Committee. In this capacity, her role involves leading a committee dedicated to advancing research evidence, facilitating and supporting research through developing NAP research capability and promoting the understanding and implementation of research in practice. To that end, Prof. Sanders oversees the creation of opportunities for more nurses and allied professionals to gain experience and expertise in the areas of research methodology. The initiatives of the ACNAP Science Committee concentrate on enhancing research capacity within organisations associated with NAPs, while also clarifying the roles of NAPs within these organisations. Prof. Sanders states that the various initiatives undertaken by the Science Committee serves to support and promote the understanding and implementation of research in practice, as well as the application of best available evidence throughout our practice.


As part of her work with ACNAP, Prof. Sanders has contributed to a clinical consensus statement on patient reported outcomes,, which was a large ESC-wide collaboration, led by Prof. Philip Moons. To complement this paper, Prof. Sanders led an ACNAP webinar in October 2023 that focused on how to implement patient reported outcomes both in clinical practice and research. Prof Sanders is also course co-director of the ESC All About Clinical Trials course, which will run in December 2024.


By Doctor Suzanne Fredericks
, Canada