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Be Guidelines Smart – your interactive tool on the Management of Afib

An ACNAP development in collaboration with EHRA

Atrial Fibrillation
Cardiovascular Nursing

The 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation state that "the complexity of AF requires a multifaceted, holistic, and multidisciplinary approach to the management of AF patients...".

Through the development of this interactive tool, ACNAP aims to overcome the lack of definitive advice and support to members of the multidisciplinary team regarding their role in Guidelines Implementation.  


Interactive consultation

Know your guidelines! Work with Prof Jeroen Hendriks, AFib expert, to select the best treatment options for Stephen in this interactive consultation.  

Subtitles are available in 10 languages: English, Croatian, German, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.

BGS pictures.PNG


Jeroen Hendriks, Australia


Lis Neubeck, United Kingdom