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ACNAP Talk on palliative and end-of-life care for patients with cardiovascular diseases

06/05/2024 16:00 06/05/2024 17:00 Europe/Paris ACNAP Talk on palliative and end-of-life care for patients with cardiovascular diseases

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Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP) DD/MM/YYYY
Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations: Pediatric Cardiology
Allied Professions in Cardiovascular Care
Cardiovascular Nursing


This ACNAP talk covers how to support your cardiac patients as they near end of life.

Learning objectives

After watching this talk the viewer will be able to:

  1. Understand the current provision of palliative and end-of life care and how to transition from one to the other.
  2. Learn about advance care planning preferences of patients with cardiovascular diseases
  3. Identify the perceptions and attitudes of caregivers with regard to end-of-life situations and decisions
  4. Identify knowledge gaps in end-of-life research in cardiovascular patients



Angela Massouh, Lebanon 



Palliative care for cardiovascular patients: introduction and focus on advance care planning

Liesbet Van Bulck , Belgium


End-of-life situations in cardiology: perceptions of healthcare professionals, knowledge gaps and future perspectives

Fiona Ecarnot, France 


Questions and answers

During the Q&A, participants will have the opportunity to interact with the chair and speakers by asking their questions verbally using the “raise hand” feature or in written form using the "Q&A" module. Chair and speakers can answer directly in the module (publicly or privately) or discuss live during the Q&A.


Free for everyone.

Register now

Registration deadline: Monday, 6 May 2024, 12:00 CEST

The event recording will be accessible on demand a couple of weeks after the live event and will be reserved to ACNAP Silver Members.