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ACNAP Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions

Article 1.

The Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions is established as a Council of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) according to the Statutes of the ESC. The internal organization is regulated by Board-approved Rules and Regulations.

The Council is created by the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing (WG24). On the 5th of September 2006, the General Assembly of the ESC has approved to dissolve this WG24 in order to proceed as the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions. The voting rights of WG24 were transferred to this Council. The Council aims to strengthen and enhance cardiovascular care, and in particular the cardiovascular nursing standard, at a European level. The Council is a horizontal structure within the ESC, bringing together cardiovascular nurses from the different fields of cardiovascular care. Cardiovascular nurses are active in various bodies of the ESC. The ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions will act as an umbrella and coordinate nursing activities in various ESC bodies. The Council will explore the activities of allied professions within the ESC. Also collaboration with the AHA Nursing Council will be further developed by the Council.

The primary goal of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions is to increase the standard of cardiovascular care at European level in order to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in Europe. To this effect it is assembling all cardiovascular nurses and allied professions to formulate joint statements and advice to the ESC, to organize activities to promote cardiovascular care at European level within the Society and outside the Society, and to participate in a structured way in the activities of the Society, i.e. its annual congress and its European leadership in cardiovascular care. A more detailed description of the Council’s aim and organisational structure is provided by the document entitled “From WG24 to ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions” (November 22, 2005).

Article 2.

The activities of the Council will be directed by a Nucleus. The Nucleus consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Past-Chair, treasurer, secretary, and one delegate of the various bodies within the Council, which are currently the UNITE Research Group, and the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Committees to be set up are a congress committee, a national societies committee, and an education committee. In principal the Chair of these bodies become Nucleus members. However, the bodies may decide to delegate one other member into the Nucleus instead of their Chair.

Article 3.

Objectives of the Council of Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professions are as follows:

Organisational objectives:

  • To set up the organisational structure of the Council as proposed to the ESC Board in the document “From ESC Working Group 24 to ESC Nursing Council (November 22, 2005)
  • To coordinate nursing activities in various ESC bodies
  • To collaborate and work in partnership with other bodies within the ESC, national societies of cardiovascular nurses and the American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular Nursing
  • To explore the activities of allied professions within the ESC and to invite them to become an active participant of the Council
  • To support and promote nurses active in cardiovascular care to apply as members and fellows

Objectives on research and education:

  • To promote and organise continuing education for cardiac nurses
  • To organise and participate in educational activities within the ESC
  • To stimulate, design and co-ordinate scientific research in the field of cardiovascular nursing across Europe
  • To contribute to the organisation, preparation and delivery of the annual ESC Congress
  • To organise an annual spring meeting
  • To respond positively to invitations of other ESC bodies and other organisations participate in annual meetings of other bodies of the ESC
  • To promote and support the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, the official journal of the Council

Objectives on providing expert opinion:

  • To establish appropriate recommendations for the ESC regarding the field of cardiovascular nursing
  • To contribute to task forces for the development and implementation of ESC guidelines for practice

Article 4.

The Council of Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professions is presided by a Chair and Vice-Chair elected by the Nucleus. The Chair is elected for a period of 2 years, non-renewable, and automatically becomes the Past-Chair for 2 years. The Vice-Chair automatically becomes the Chair for the next period of 2 years. The change of Chairs takes place during the General Assembly of the Council which will be held annually during the annual ESC Congress. The Past-Chair is the liaison to the AHA Nursing Council and the Vice-Chair is the liaison to the Expert Committee.

A Secretary and a Treasurer are elected for a period of 2 years, renewable for 2 years, and the persons taken over these positions will be trained for at least 1 year. All Nucleus members are elected for a maximum of 6 years, non-renewable. The Chair may stay for a maximum of 8 years, if 2 years as Nucleus member preceded the start as Chair. New nucleus members will be elected by vote by the whole Nucleus, after announcement of vacant positions to the National Societies of Cardiovascular Nurses, and all Council members.

In principal the same rules apply to all committees within the Council, but each committee may propose other rules and regulations to the Nucleus. Vacancies in all committees will be announced to the National Societies of Cardiovascular Nurses and all Council members. New members to any committee will be inducted into the committee after approval of the committee itself and finally, the Nucleus of the Council. Formal suggestions and applications should be forwarded to the Nucleus.

Article 5.

The Secretary is responsible for reporting on the activities to the Board and to the Council members, in agreement with the Chair. The secretary is also responsible for approving new Council members, in agreement with the Chair.

Article 6.

The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs of the Council, which will be regulated in accordance with the governance rules of the ESC, in agreement with the Chair.

Article 7.

General membership consists of the members of the former Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing (WG24). The Council is open to all nurses and allied professionals working in the cardiovascular field.

Article 8.

The Nucleus will meet twice a year; during the annual Spring Meeting and the annual ESC congress. At these meetings, if needed, Rules and Regulations can be revised and re-submitted to the Board.

Article 9.

The Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions will communicate its planned activities to the ESC Board at least 3 months before the event. The Council will submit an annual report on its activities to the Board for approval.