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ACNAP Young Community (YoCo) Toolkit

As a community that focuses on the needs of young cardiovascular nurses and allied professionals, the ACNAP Young Community (YoCo) has developed the YoCo Toolkit, an online platform where you can find different resources and tools that address several research-related topics within the cardiovascular field, to support the young members of ACNAP and the ESC in their career development.

About the toolkit

The ACNAP Young Community (YoCo) was created in 2019 to support the needs of the young community of nurses and allied professionals by transferring knowledge and expertise within ACNAP and the ESC, and by supporting them within the cardiovascular field, whether in a clinical, educational or research setting. 

In response to feedback from YoCo members, particularly for early-career researchers or in the clinical practice field, the YoCo Committee launched the 'YoCo Toolkit' project. Originally led by Lien Desteghe (YoCo Committee Chair 2018-20) and Ana Filipa Gomes (former YoCo Ambassador 2018-20, Portugal), the project aimed to create an online platform where all relevant information on research design and methods, career development, and evidence-based practice could be assembled and accessible in one place. 

The YoCo Toolkit is regularly updated by the ACNAP YoCo Committee and YoCo National Contacts who willingly volunteered for this project.


The toolkit serves as a valuable resource tailored for nurses and allied professionals entering the cardiovascular field. The purpose of the toolkit is to: 

  • Gather key scientific content for use in research, education, clinical practice and career development
  • Organise content around key topics identified by our Young Community
  • Consolidate information into a comprehensive all-in-one resource, making the Toolkit unique
  • Be in constant evolution as it is updated on a regular basis, making it a very useful evidence-based practice guide

How to use it

Click on the blocks above and you will be redirected to a list of contents (articles, slides, videos etc…), focused on each particular topic. Most resources are sourced from our ESC 365 platform and from the ESC Journals Family. You must be a member to access certain content.

Not an ACNAP Silver Member yet?

Discover ACNAP Silver Membership and access a portfolio of exclusive benefits including:

  • unlimited access to ACNAP webinars and resources on ESC 365, the cardiology knowledge hub
  • a digital subscription to the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
  • mentorship opportunities with experts in your field
  • savings on ACNAP Congress 2024

 Join us


Do you have a question regarding the Toolkit? Would you like to see other contents or share an idea with us? Contact us at


Topic Link Resource
Non-randomised studies
Philip Moons, Propensity weighting: how to minimise comparative bias in non-randomised studies?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 1, 1 January 2020, Pages 83–88 EJCN Methods Corner
Complex interventions Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Ewa-Lena Bratt, Process evaluation of complex cardiovascular interventions: How to interpret the results of my trial?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 3, 1 March 2020, Pages 269–274 EJCN Methods Corner
Literature review
Todd Ruppar, Meta-analysis: How to quantify and explain heterogeneity?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 7, 1 October 2020, Pages 646–652 EJCN Methods Corner
Observational studies Koen Raymaekers, Koen Luyckx, Philip Moons, A guide to improve your causal inferences from observational data, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 8, 1 December 2020, Pages 757–762 EJCN Methods Corner
Flash mob studies Philip Moons, Flash mob studies: a novel method to accelerate the research process, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2021 EJCN Methods Corner
Mixed methods Victoria Vaughan Dickson, Shayleigh Dickson Page, Using mixed methods in cardiovascular nursing research: Answering the why, the how, and the what’s next, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 82–89 EJCN Methods Corner
Dyadic research
Philip Moons, Sofie Prikken, Koen Luyckx, Chronic illness as a ‘family disease’: The need for appropriate scientific methods for dyadic research, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 2, 1 February 2020, Pages 98–99 EJCN
Ethical challenges Donna Fitzsimons, Patricia H Strachan, Overcoming the challenges of conducting research with people who have advanced heart failure and palliative care needs, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 11, Issue 2, 1 June 2012, Pages 248–254 EJCN
Measurement criteria Martha H Mackay, Pamela A Ratner, Michelle Nguyen, Myra Percy, Paul Galdas, Gilat Grunau, Inconsistent measurement of acute coronary syndrome patients’ pre-hospital delay in research: A review of the literature, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 13, Issue 6, 1 December 2014, Pages 483–493 EJCN
Qualitative research Carley Turner, Felicity Astin, Grounded theory: what makes a grounded theory study?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 285–289 EJCN Methods Corner
Markus Saarijärvi, Ewa-Lena Bratt, When face-to-face interviews are not possible: tips and tricks for video, telephone, online chat, and email interviews in qualitative research, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 4, April 2021, Pages 392–396 EJCN Methods Corner
Carley Turner, Felicity Astin, Grounded theory: what makes a grounded theory study?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 285–289 EJCN Methods Corner
Markus Saarijärvi, Ewa-Lena Bratt, When face-to-face interviews are not possible: tips and tricks for video, telephone, online chat, and email interviews in qualitative research, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 4, April 2021, Pages 392–396 EJCN Methods Corner
Sandra B. Lauck, John L. Oliffe, Anna Stephenson, Nassim Adhami; Can you picture it? Photo elicitation in qualitative cardiovascular health research; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 8, November 2021, Pages 797–802 EJCN Methods Corner
Rebecca Nourse, Susie Cartledge, Teketo Tegegne, Cathal Gurrin, Ralph Maddison; Now you see it! Using wearable cameras to gain insights into the lived experience of cardiovascular conditions; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 7, September 2022, Pages 750–755 EJCN Methods Corner
Angela Cuoco, Paola Arcadi, Maria Chiara Figura, Loredana Piervisani, Rosaria Alvaro, Ercole Vellone, Angela Durante; Designing and conducting qualitative research across countries and cultures: challenges for inclusiveness and rigour; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 8, November 2022, Pages 873–879 EJCN Methods Corner
Mariachiara Figura, Mary Fraire, Angela Durante, Angela Cuoco, Paola Arcadi, Rosaria Alvaro, Ercole Vellone, Loredana Piervisani; New frontiers for qualitative textual data analysis: a multimethod statistical approach; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 5, July 2023, Pages 547–551 EJCN Methods Corner
Reviews Philip Moons, Eva Goossens, David R. Thompson, Rapid reviews: the pros and cons of an accelerated review process, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 5, June 2021, Pages 515–519 EJCN Methods Corner
Alice Pearsons, Lis Neubeck, Jeroen M Hendriks, Coral L Hanson; Justification, rationale and methodological approaches to realist reviews; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 107–112 EJCN Methods Corner
Cohort Study Thitipong Tankumpuan, Suratsawadee Kruahong, Chitchanok Benjasirisan, Patricia M Davidson; ‘Snapshot’ cohort study design across multi-site research settings: challenges, strategies, and solutions; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 6, August 2023, Pages 664–668 EJCN Methods Corner
Co-design Katie Nesbitt, Alline Beleigoli, Huiyun Du, Rosy Tirimacco, Robyn A Clark; User Experience (UX) Design as a co-design methodology: lessons learned during the development of a web-based portal for cardiac rehabilitation; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 178–183 EJCN Methods Corner
Spatial Methods Hannah Beks, Sarah M Wood, Robyn A Clark, Versace L Vincent; Spatial methods for measuring access to health care; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 8, November 2023, Pages 832–840 EJCN Methods Corner
Improving diversity, equity and inclusion in research Roslyn Prichard, Della Maneze, Nicola Straiton, Sally C Inglis, Julee McDonagh; Strategies for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in cardiovascular research: a primer; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 3, April 2024, Pages 313–322 EJCN Methods Corner
Measurement tools Lemma N Bulto, Ellen Davies, Janet Kelly, Jeroen M Hendriks; Patient journey mapping: emerging methods for understanding and improving patient experiences of health systems and services; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, zvae012 EJCN Methods Corner
Biomarkers Bo Daelman, Brittany Butts, Quin E Denfeld; Hitting the (bio)mark part 1: selecting and measuring biomarkers in cardiovascular research; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, zvae014 EJCN Methods Corner
Quin E Denfeld, Bo Daelman, Brittany Butts; Hitting the (bio)mark Part 2: analysing, interpreting, and reporting biomarker data in cardiovascular research; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, zvae020 EJCN Methods Corner
Measurement Invariance Mariela Acuña Mora, Koen Raymaekers; Measuring up: the significance of measurement invariance in cardiovascular research; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, zvae041 EJCN Methods Corner

Data collection

Topic Link Resource
Electronic records usage Daniel Kompe. Data: the new gold. In: ESC Digital Summit 2019 - Session: Cybersecurity and data science. (Only available to ESC Professional Members) ESC 365
REDCap Van Bulck L, Wampers M, Moons P. Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap): tackling data collection, management, storage, and privacy challenges. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2022; 21(1):85-91. EJCN Methods Corner
Online Data Collection Wa’ed Shiyab, Caleb Ferguson, Kaye Rolls, Elizabeth Halcomb; Solutions to address low response rates in online surveys; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 4, May 2023, Pages 441–444 EJCN Methods Corner
Data Linkage Gursharan K Singh, Alison P Bowers; A guide to navigating administrative data linkage for research; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 7, October 2023, Pages 745–750 EJCN Methods Corner
Clinical Registries Kirsten J Parker, Louise D Hickman, Caleb Ferguson; The science of clinical quality registries; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 2, February 2023, Pages 220–225 EJCN Methods Corner
PPI Elin Siira, Axel Wolf; Are digital citizen panels an innovative, deliberative approach to cardiovascular research?; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 3, March 2022, Pages 287–291 EJCN Methods Corner

Data analysis

Topic Link Resource
Multilevel analysis
Dyadic analysis
Karen S Lyons, Christopher S Lee, Understanding the family care dyad: A comparison of two multilevel models, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 2, 1 February 2020, Pages 178–184 EJCN Methods Corner
Subgroups analysis
Latent class mixture modeling
Christopher S Lee, Kenneth M Faulkner, Jessica H Thompson, Identifying subgroups: Part 1: Patterns among cross-sectional data, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 4, 1 April 2020, Pages 359–365 EJCN Methods Corner
Count Data; Complex Distributions Christopher S Lee, Catherine Conway; The role of generalized linear models in handling cost and count data; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 4, May 2022, Pages 392–398 EJCN Methods Corner
Survival Analysis Quin E Denfeld, Debora Burger, Christopher S Lee; Survival analysis 101: an easy start guide to analysing time-to-event data; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 332–337 EJCN Methods Corner
Item response theory Tam H Nguyen, Christopher S Lee, Miyong T Kim; Using item response theory to develop and refine patient-reported outcome measures; European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 5, July 2022, Pages 509–515 EJCN Methods Corner

Career growth

Topic Link Resource
Mentoring ACNAP Mentoring Programme for Research and Clinical ACNAP Website
Grants Tiny Jaarsma, Barbro Kjellstrom, Writing a successful research grant proposal (2016). ACNAP Website

Suzanne Fredericks, Chantal Ski, Rod S Taylor, Izabella Uchmanowicz, Ana F Gomes, Eva Goossens, Naomi de Stoutz, Lien Desteghe, Julie Sanders, ESC Nursing and Allied Professional Training grants: 10 top tips for enhancing funding success! European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 1, January 2022, Page 92

Mentoring: choosing a PhD supervisor Borregaard, Massouh, Hendriks, Jones, Lee & Manthou et al, The X-factors of PhD supervision: ACNAP top 10 tips on choosing a PhD supervisor, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 5, July 2022, Pages 399–401 EJCN
Post-doctoral mentorship award Lee, Marques, Vellone, Stromberg, Hopstock & Tagney et al, Post-Doctoral Mentorship Award – have you considered applying?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 16, Issue 8, 1 December 2017, Page 658 EJCN
Tips for doctoral students Candelaria, Gallagher & Hendriks, Future-proofing your research career post-PhD: top tips for doctoral students, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 5, July 2022, Pages 402–404 EJCN
Klompstra, Learning from experiences: tips for PhD students, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 184–185 EJCN
Questionable research practices: what to focus on Clark & Thompson, Questionable research practices, careerism, and advocacy: why we must prioritize research quality over its quantity, impact, reach, and results, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages e4–e6 EJCN
Networking Acuña Mora & Borregaard, From networking to knowledge sharing: cracking the code of scientific conferences, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2024;, zvae035  EJCN
Research partnerships Dirksen & Forsyth, Research partnerships and collaboration in cardiovascular nursing, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 7, October 2023, Page e114 EJCN
Core curriculum Neubeck, Ross, Jones, Simpson, Mindham & Jaarsma et al, The Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 7, October 2023, Pages e62–e113 EJCN
Astin, Carroll, De Geest, Fernandez-Oliver, Holt & Hinterbuchner et al, A Core Curriculum for the Continuing Professional Development of Nurses Working in Cardiovascular Settings: Developed by the Education Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP) on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 14, Issue 2_suppl, 1 June 2015, Pages S1–S17 EJCN
Astin, Carroll, Ruppar, Uchmanowicz, Hinterbuchner, Kletsiou et al, A core curriculum for the continuing professional development of nurses: Developed by the Education Committee on behalf of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions of the ESC, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 14, Issue 3, 1 June 2015, Pages 190–197,  EJCN
Shortage of nurses - job satisfaction Keeping Cardiac Nurses on the Job, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 2, Issue 2, 1 July 2003, Pages 93–94 EJCN

ACNAP Statements

Topic Link Resource
Patient-centred care Westwood, Almeida, Barbato, Delgado, Dellegrottaglie & Fox et al, Competency-based cardiac imaging for patient-centred care. A statement of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). With the contribution of the EACVI, and the support of the ACNAP, the ACVC, the EAPC, the EAPCI, the EHRA, and the HFA of the ESC, European Heart Journal, Volume 44, Issue 45, 1 December 2023, Pages 4771–4780 EHJ
Quality and Outcomes Ali, Aktaa, Younsi, Beska, Batra, Blackman & James, et al, European Society of Cardiology quality indicators for the care and outcomes of adults undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation, European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, January 2024, pages 1-14 EHJ - QCCO
Moons, Norekvål, Arbelo, Borregaard, Casadei & Cosyns et al, Placing patient-reported outcomes at the centre of cardiovascular clinical practice: implications for quality of care and management: A statement of the ESC Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP), the Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC), European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), Heart Failure Association (HFA), European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), ESC Regulatory Affairs Committee, ESC Advocacy Committee, ESC Digital Health Committee, ESC Education Committee, and the ESC Patient Forum, European Heart Journal, Volume 44, Issue 36, 21 September 2023, Pages 3405–3422 EHJ
Global Health & Prevention Taylor, Fredericks, Jones, Neubeck, Sanders & Stoutz et al, Global perspectives on heart disease rehabilitation and secondary prevention: a scientific statement from the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, European Association of Preventive Cardiology, and International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, European Heart Journal, Volume 44, Issue 28, 21 July 2023, Pages 2515–2525 EHJ
Advocacy Forsyth, Borregaard, Norekvål & Gibson, The heart of the matter: advocacy in cardiovascular nursing and allied professions, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 8, November 2023, Pages e120–e122 EJCN
Integrated care Ski, Cartledge, Foldager, Thompson, Fredericks, Ekman & Hendriks, Integrated care in cardiovascular disease: a statement of the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions of the European Society of Cardiology, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 5, July 2023, Pages e39–e46 EJCN
Gender Gerdts, Sudano, Brouwers, Borghi, Bruno & Ceconi et al, , Sex differences in arterial hypertension: A scientific statement from the ESC Council on Hypertension, the European Association of Preventive Cardiology, Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice, and the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, European Heart Journal, Volume 43, Issue 46, 7 December 2022, Pages 4777–4788 EHJ
EJCN History Fredericks, Van Bulck, Ski, Skibelund & Sanders, From new kid on the block to leading journal: a review and reflection on the first 20 years of the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 4–8 EJCN
Injectable therapies Khatib, Angus, Hansen, Lambrinou, Vellone, Khan & Lee, Perceptions of injectable therapies with cardiovascular benefit: an ACNAP survey of healthcare professionals to explore facilitators and barriers, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 5, July 2022, Pages 430–437 EJCN
career development Borregaard, Massouh, Hendriks, Jones, Lee & Manthou et al, The X-factors of PhD supervision: ACNAP top 10 tips on choosing a PhD supervisor, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 5, July 2022, Pages 399–401 EJCN
Sleep apnoea Hendriks, Lee, Desteghe & Linz, Sleep apnoea management in atrial fibrillation in clinical practice: key messages for health care professionals based on a joint survey by EHRA and ACNAP, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 7, September 2022, Pages 641–642, EJCN
CHD Transitions Moons, Bratt, Backer, Goossens, Hornung & Tutarel et al, Transition to adulthood and transfer to adult care of adolescents with congenital heart disease: a global consensus statement of the ESC Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP), the ESC Working Group on Adult Congenital Heart Disease (WG ACHD), the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), the Pan-African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR), the Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society (APPCS), the Inter-American Society of Cardiology (IASC), the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ), the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD), the World Heart Federation (WHF), the European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation (ECHDO), and the Global Alliance for Rheumatic and Congenital Hearts (Global ARCH), European Heart Journal, Volume 42, Issue 41, 1 November 2021, Pages 4213–4223,  EHJ
Digital Health; Prevention Jensen, Treskes, Caiani, Casado-Arroyo, Cowie & Dilaveris et al, ESC working group on e-cardiology position paper: use of commercially available wearable technology for heart rate and activity tracking in primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention—in collaboration with the European Heart Rhythm Association, European Association of Preventive Cardiology, Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals, Patient Forum, and the Digital Health Committee, European Heart Journal - Digital Health, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 49–59 EHJ - DH
CHA2DS2-VASc score Zhang, Lenarczyk, Marin, Malaczynska-Rajpold, Kosiuk & Doehner et al, The interpretation of CHA2DS2-VASc score components in clinical practice: a joint survey by the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Scientific Initiatives Committee, the EHRA Young Electrophysiologists, the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals, and the European Society of Cardiology Council on Stroke, EP Europace, Volume 23, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 314–322 EP
Curriculum Astin, Carroll, De Geest, Fernandez-Oliver, Holt & Hinterbuchner et al, A Core Curriculum for the Continuing Professional Development of Nurses Working in Cardiovascular Settings: Developed by the Education Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP) on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 14, Issue 2_suppl, 1 June 2015, Pages S1–S17,  EJCN
Astin, Carroll, Ruppar, Uchmanowicz, Hinterbuchner, Kletsiou et al, A core curriculum for the continuing professional development of nurses: Developed by the Education Committee on behalf of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions of the ESC, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 14, Issue 3, 1 June 2015, Pages 190–197,  EJCN
Neubeck, Ross, Jones, Simpson, Mindham & Jaarsma et al, The Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 7, October 2023, Pages e62–e113 EJCN

Artificial Intelligence & Digital Health

Topic Link Resource
Artificial intelligence Liesbet Van Bulck, Raphaël Couturier, Philip Moons, Applications of artificial intelligence for nursing: has a new era arrived?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e19–e20 EJCN
Generative AI: ChatGPT Philip Moons, Liesbet Van Bulck, ChatGPT: can artificial intelligence language models be of value for cardiovascular nurses and allied health professionals, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 7, October 2023, Pages e55–e59 EJCN
  Liesbet Van Bulck, Philip Moons, What if your patient switches from Dr. Google to Dr. ChatGPT? A vignette-based survey of the trustworthiness, value, and danger of ChatGPT-generated responses to health questions, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 95–98 EJCN
Generative AI: prompting in ChatGPT Brigitte Durieux, Joshua Davis, Philip Moons, Liesbet Van Bulck, How to get the most out of ChatGPT? Tips and tricks on prompting, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2024;, zvae016, Generative AI: Large Language Models for nursing  EJCN
Generative AI: Large Language Models for nursing Brigitte Woo, Tom Huynh, Arthur Tang, Nhat Bui, Giang Nguyen, Wilson Tam, Transforming nursing with large language models: from concept to practice, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2024;, zvad120 EJCN
Generative AI: Large Language Models for nursing Partha Pratim Ray, How true is the role of large language models in  nursing?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2024;, zvad123 EJCN
Generative AI: use of chatbots Philip Moons, For better or for worse: when chatbots influence human emotions and behaviours, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2023;, zvad098 EJCN
Generative AI: improving the readability of patient materials Philip Moons, Liesbet Van Bulck, Using ChatGPT and Google Bard to improve the readability of written patient information: a proof of concept, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 122–126 EJCN
Generative AI: ChatGPT and publishing Philip Moons, Alexander Van De Bruaene, Liesbet Van Bulck, Letters to the editor: questionable publishing practices in the ChatGPT era, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages e15–e16 EJCN
Application of AI: use of voice measurement I Erba, M Matarese, D Ausili, E Vellone, Clinical use of voice measurement in patients with heart failure: study protocol, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue Supplement_1, August 2023, zvad064.115 EJCN
Application of AI: speech recogniztion in qualitative research Helen Eftekhari, Transcribing in the digital age: qualitative research practice utilizing intelligent speech recognition technology, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2024;, zvae013 EJCN
Machine learning: readmission prediction Min-Young Yu, Youn-Jung Son, Machine learning–based 30-day readmission prediction models for patients with heart failure: a systematic review, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2024;, zvae031 EJCN
Natural Language Processing: identifying atrial fibrillation symptoms Meghan Reading Turchioe, Alexander Volodarskiy, Winston Guo, Brittany Taylor, Mollie Hobensack, Jyotishman Pathak, David Slotwiner, Characterizing atrial fibrillation symptom improvement following de novo catheter ablation, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2023;, zvad068 EJCN
Digital health research Nicola Straiton, Robyn Gallagher, Prioritizing what matters most in digital health research, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 6, August 2022, Pages 519–520 EJCN
Digital healthcare consumption Faye Forsyth, Philip Moons, Digital healthcare consumption: lessons about online information, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2023;, zvad079 EJCN
Digital heath use and arryhtmias Ruth M Masterson Creber, Meghan Reading Turchioe, Angelo Biviano, Billy Caceres, Hasan Garan, Isaac Goldenthal, Theresa Koleck, Shazia Mitha, Kathleen Hickey, Suzanne Bakken, Cardiac symptom burden and arrhythmia recurrence drives digital health use: results from the iHEART randomized controlled trial, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 107–115 EJCN
Digital care pathways and arrhythmias Jeroen M Hendriks, Marieke D Spreeuwenberg, Dominik Linz, Mobile health and cardiac arrhythmias: patient self-management in digital care pathways, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 7, October 2021, Pages 631–632 EJCN
Digital health needs of heart failure patients A Palant, B Zippel-Schultz, CF Ski, J Brandts, C Eurlings, E Furtado Da Luz Brzychcyk, L Hill, L Dixon, D Fitzsimons, D Thompson, D Mueller-Wieland, KA Schuett, T Hoedemakers, H-P Brunner La-Rocca, TM Helms, Understanding needs and expectations of heart failure patients and their caregivers regarding digital health - the PASSION-HF project, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 20, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021, zvab060.036 EJCN
e-Health secondary prevention Jing Jing Su, Justina Yat Wa Liu, Daphne Sze Ki Cheung, Shanshan Wang, Martin Christensen, Patrick Pui Kin Kor, Stefanos Tyrovolas, Angela Yee Man Leung, Long-term effects of e-Health secondary prevention on cardiovascular health: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 6, August 2023, Pages 562–574 EJCN
e-Health: novel mobile phone-based self-care intervention Youn-Jung Son, Eun Young Kim, The effectiveness and usability of a novel mobile phone-based self-care intervention for patients with heart failure: a mixed-methods pilot study, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 254–263 EJCN

Environmental sustainability

Topic Link Resource
Climate & CVD Chaseling (2023), Extreme heat events and cardiovascular disease: is there a relationship and what can be done? In: Climate, environment and cardiovascular health ESC365
Redfern (2023), Summary of contemporary research in climate and environment as it relates to cardiovascular health, In: Climate, environment and cardiovascular health ESC365
Climate Change Ferguson (2023), Climate change: the role of nursing and allied professionals, In: Climate, environment and cardiovascular health ESC365
Abbasi, Ali, Barbour, Benfield, Bibbins-Domingo & Hancocks et al, Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages e4–e5 EJCN
Atwoli, Baqui, Benfield, Bosurgi, Godlee & Hancocks et al, Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health: Wealthy nations must do much more, much faster, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages e1–e3 EJCN
Environmental Sustainability

Korsah (2023), Environmental sustainability in cardiology, In: Climate, environment and cardiovascular health ESC365
Austin, Fields, Ridla, Alexandrou & Ferguson, Twelve actions in healthcare to reduce carbon emissions, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages e6–e8 EJCN
Environment & CVD Willett, Hu, & Forouhi, A healthy diet should consider environmental impact, European Heart Journal, Volume 45, Issue 15, 14 April 2024, Page 1375 EHJ
Flowers, Froelicher & Aouizerat, Gene-environment interactions in cardiovascular disease, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 11, Issue 4, 1 December 2012, Pages 472–478 EJCN
Claeys, Rajagopalan, Nawrot & Brook, Climate and environmental triggers of acute myocardial infarction, European Heart Journal, Volume 38, Issue 13, 1 April 2017, Pages 955–960 EHJ
Münzel, Sørensen, Lelieveld, Hahad, Al-Kindi & Nieuwenhuijsen et al, Heart healthy cities: genetics loads the gun but the environment pulls the trigger, European Heart Journal, Volume 42, Issue 25, 1 July 2021, Pages 2422–2438 EHJ


Topic Link Resource
Writing and publishing research Ioulia Grapsa. How to get your research abstract/ clinical case accepted?, In: ESC Asia 2019, Special Session: “Tips and tricks: How to make your research more visible”. (Available with a My ESC account) ESC 365
Tomasz Guzik. How to write a successful manuscript? In: ESC Asia 2019, Special Session: “Tips and tricks: How to make your research more visible”. (Only available to ESC Professional Members) ESC 365
Research visibility and presentation Sofian Johar. How to achieve an excellent powerpoint presentation? In: ESC Asia 2019, Special Session: “Tips and tricks: How to make your research more visible”. (Only available to ESC Professional Members) ESC 365
Vijayalakshmi Kunadian. Become a good speaker. ESC Professional Members Special Sessions. (Only available to ESC Professional Members) ESC website
Open Access  Anna Strömberg, Tone M Norekvål, Philip Moons, Sandra Lauck, Open Access publishing: benefits and challenges, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 22, Issue 8, November 2023, Pages e115–e117  EJCN
Abstracts ESC Congress. Abstract submission tips & tricks ESC website
Abstract submission tips & tricks ESC website
Research Tutorials for Young Imagers ESC website