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Agenda and webcasts from the 3rd European Summit on Pre-Hospital Care

3rd European Summit on Pre-Hospital Care




Day 1 - 7/04/2014

Introduction: H.Bueno, M. Castren  and A. Bellou

Together Saving lives: Out of hospital cardiac arrest

Together Saving lives: Emergency triage of acute cardiovascular disease

Together Saving lives: STEMI networks
P. Goldstein

Day 2 - 8/04/2014

Diversity of Pre-Hospital systems of care  for acute cardiovascular disease

Case 1: STEMI and Cardiac Arrest
N. Nikolaou

Case 2: Initial Pre-Hospital triage of patients with chest pain. Pulmonary embolism
D. Zahger

Case3: Support of a patient transferred with acute heart failure
M. Christ

Case 4: ED patient with bleeding peptic ulcer and antiplatelet± anticoagulant therapy for DES ±AF
M. Lettino