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ACVC Study Group EXPERT-PE on Acute Pulmonary Embolism


  • Create a European multidisciplinary network focused on care for the PE patient with haemodynamic or respiratory compromise, in close collaboration between the Association for Acute Cardiovascular Care and the Working Group on Pulmonary Circulation and Right Ventricular Function
  • Support the introduction of multidisciplinary (EXPERT-PE) teams in hospitals across Europe, who are responsible for the initial management of the PE patient with haemodynamic or respiratory compromise
  • Identify and map existing EXPERT-PE teams across Europe, and to survey those teams for local practice patterns in the future
  • Disseminate knowledge about the optimal management of the PE patient with haemodynamic or respiratory compromise, including advice on the appropriate use of anticoagulation, haemodynamic support and (advanced) reperfusion
  • Define quality indicators and levels of care for EXPERT-PE teams
  • Describe the relevant gaps in knowledge regarding the management of the PE patient with haemodynamic or respiratory compromise, and initiate and support studies to provide the missing evidence
  • Harmonisation of parameters (common data elements) used in clinic and research in PE patient with haemodynamic or respiratory compromise
  • Achieve close cross Atlantic collaboration with The PERT Consortium™
  • Engage in advocacy activities to make sure resources are made available for the development of EXPERT-PE teams and research in the area of severe PE

The new Acute CardioVascular Care Association study group EXPERT-PE on acute pulmonary embolism

Study Group Members

  • Chairpersons: Prof. Erik Klok, FESC (NE) and Prof. Stavros Konstantinides (GE)
  • Members: Menno Huisman, Lilian Meijboom, Stefano Barco, Karl Fengler, Fionnuala Ni Ainle, Andrew Sharp, Ingo Ahrens, Nicolas Meneveau, Olivier Sanchez, Piotr Pruszczyk, Irene Lang, Gerard O'Sullivan, Roberto Pola, Julie Helms, Maria Christina Vedovatti, Roberto Lorusso, Brent Keeling, Peter Verhamme, Milica Aleksic, Ahmed Zaher, Umit Yasar Sinan, Jose M Montero Cabezas, Jacob Schultz

Publications in the field 

This retrospective cohort study shows that consultation with a Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT) significantly reduces 30-day mortality, shortens hospital stays, and decreases in-hospital bleeding complications in high-risk PE patients. The study highlights the importance of rapid identification and specialized management in improving outcomes for high-risk PE. 

Patients with high- and intermediate-high-risk pulmonary embolism display clinical and hemodynamic instability requiring rapid intervention. This position paper highlights catheter-directed therapies as part of the therapeutic armamentarium. Continuous multidisciplinary risk stratification is paramount in refining selection criteria to deliver the most effective treatment. Management of unstable patients should prioritize a patient-oriented treatment in which transcatheter therapies play a central role

Novel big data tools can transform real-time analysis of technology implementation. Ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis for pulmonary embolism results in a lower risk of bleeding than mechanical thrombectomy in real-world experience. Bleeding was assessed through direct laboratory measurement and transfusion records. No differences are demonstrated between length of stay and readmission between mechanical thrombectomy and ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis.

This study uses data from the PERT (Pulmonary Embolism Response Team) Consortium Registry to analyse outcomes in patients with intermediate-risk and high-risk PE. Key findings include higher mortality and major bleeding rates in high-risk PE patients, particularly those with catastrophic PE requiring vasopressor support or experiencing cardiac arrest.

This paper discusses the current landscape of transcatheter therapies for acute PE, including ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis and its efficacy in intermediate-risk PE patients.

Reviews recent risk stratification models, serologic biomarkers, and imaging modalities for detecting right ventricular dysfunction in PE patients. It also evaluates advanced treatment strategies beyond standard anticoagulation.

This scientific document from the European Society of Cardiology provides a comprehensive guide for the follow-up management of patients after an acute PE episode.


EXPERT-PE conference 18-19 October 2024 in Mainz

EXPERT-PE 2024 is dedicated to increase knowledge on the multidisciplinary initial and chronic management of acute severe pulmonary embolism.

The scientific programme for the upcoming EXPERT-PE conference covers many aspects of the disease, with an overall focus on a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from diagnosis to interventional, medical and multimodal therapy.

The programme will support delegates in introducing and improving the multidisciplinary management of the PE patient with haemodynamic or respiratory compromise in their hospitals. We welcome abstracts, covering both science as well as clinical experience.

Our goal is to offer a platform for sharing and discussing the latest scientific and clinical developments in severe pulmonary embolism, in an informative and dynamic conference.

The conference is designed for practicing clinicians, who regularly care for patients with acute pulmonary embolism, and we thus welcome (interventional) cardiologists, pulmonologists, intensivists, vascular medicine specialists, haematologists, emergency physicians, angiologists, and (interventional) radiologists.



If you should have any questions, please contact us.