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Quality of Care Study Group

of the Assocation for Acute CardioVascular Care

ACVC is eager to create a new study group on Quality of Care (QoC) composed of experts focusing on QoC within acute cardiac care situations. The group is interdisciplinary and international, and formed under the umbrella of the ACVC Scientific Committee.

Among the initiatives and activities of the group, the definition of Performance Measures (PM) for the management of myocardial infarction is a priority.


Composition of the group

Study group leadership

  • Chair: Sergio Leonardi 
  • Co-Chair: Chris Gale
  • Past Chair: François Schiele

Study group members

  • Xavier Rossello
  • Suleman Aktaa
  • Claudio Montalto 

Publications 2015-2016

Quality indicators for acute myocardial infarction: A position paper of ACVC


  • To promote QoC as one of the main objectives of the ACVC
  • To continuously integrate QoC into various ACVC and ESC initiatives (textbooks, guidelines, congress programmes, workshops, webinars)
  • To develop dedicated PM to assess QoC in various acute situations such as acute coronary syndromes, acute heart failure, acute arrhythmias and acute pulmonary embolism.
  • To produce position papers on the topic.
  • To design, promote and participate in a multicentre registry to assess QoC in specific acute cardiac situations.
  • To report on quality assessment to public health administrations, Insurance companies, the press (lay and specialised), patients and the general population.

Activities, achievements and future projects

  • Definition of PMs for acute myocardial infarction: started May 2014, first poll May 2014, draft for definition Q4 2014, position paper submission Q2 2015.
  • Definition of PMs for acute heart failure: Group modification with additional members who are experts in HF (chair and members) September 2014; draft for PM definition Q2 2015, position paper submission Q4 2015.
  • Other clinical situations: To be determined.
  • PM assessment: proposal for specific variables to be added to an ACCA(ACVC) registry;
  • Reporting of data to scientific community, administrators, press and public