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Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC) Board



ACVC Board 2024-2026

Management Group

Past President


Congress & Event
Membership & Young Community
International Affairs & Partnerships
Certification & Accreditation

Transversal Activities

Industry relations
Scientific Doc. Group
EHJ-ACVC journal

Board Structure



Management Group

 Title Name Country
 President Ingo Ahrens Germany
 President-Elect Alessandro Sionis Spain
 Past President

Kurt Huber

 Treasurer Sigrun Halvorsen Norway
 Secretary Sofie Gevaert Belgium

Board Members

Name Country
Frederik H. Verbrugge Belgium
Konstantin Krychtiuk Austria
Christophe Vandenbriele Belgium
Janine Poess Germany
Alain Combes France
Johannes Grand Denmark
Hannah Schaubroeck Belgium

Appointed Board Members

Name Country
Agnieszka Tycinska Poland
Pablo Jorge Perez Spain 
Jordi Baneras Rius Spain 
Benedikt Schrage Germany
Maria Stratinaki Greece
Nicholas Mills United Kingdom
Mattia Arrigo Switzerland 
Erik Klok  The Netherlands
Guido Tavazzi Italy
Milica Aleksic Serbia
Francisco Chacón-Lozsán  Hungary 
Rafael Vidal-Perez Spain 
Sergio Leonardi Italy
Fernando Alfonso  Spain
Zdravko Babic Croatia


Role Name Country
EHJ-ACVC Editor-in-Chief (Ex-Officio) Pascal Vranckx Belgium
ESC CEO (Ex-Officio) Jean-François Riffaud  France




Chair: Jordi Baneras Rius

Co-Chairs: Christophe Vandenbriele and Benedikt Schrage

Certification and Accreditation

Chair: Agnieszka Tycinska

Co-Chair: Pablo Jorge Perez


Chair: Alain Combes 

Co-Chairs:  Guido Tavazzi and Frederik H. Verbrugge

Young Community & Membership

Chair: Johannes Grand

Co-Chair: Maria Stratinaki

International Affairs and Partnerships

Chair: Kurt Huber

Co-Chairs: Konstantin Krychtiuk and Zdravko Babic


  • South and Middle America: Diego Araiza Garaygordobil and Carlos Alviar
  • North America: Kurt Huber and Konstantin Krychtiuk
  • Asia Pacific: Christian Hassager, Peter Clemmensen and Karlheinz Peter
  • Middle East: Uwe Zeymer and Ahmed Magdy
Congress and Events

Chair: Hannah Schaubroeck

Co-Chair: Alessandro Sionis

Members: Carlos Alviar,  Jordi Baneras Rius, Johannes Grand,  Alice Sacco, Guido Tavazzi, Janine Poess, Frederik Verbrugge, Maria Stratinaki 

Transversal Activities


Chair: Milica Aleksic

Co-Chairs: Rafael Vidal-Perez and Francisco Chacón-Lozsán 

Scientific Documents Group

Chair: Janine Poess

Senior advisor: Sofie Gevaert

Study Groups

Study Group  Roles
  • Chair: Nicholas Mills, United Kingdom
  • Co-Chair: Johannes Mair, Germany 
  • Past Chair: Christian Mueller, Switzerland
Acute Heart Failure
  • Chair: Mattia Arrigo, Switzerland
  • Co-Chair: Hannah Schaubroeck, Belgium
  • Past Chair: Josep Masip, Spain
Quality of Care
  • Chair: Sergio Leonardi, Italy
  • Co-Chair: To be nominated 
  • Past Chair: François Schiele
  • Chair: Fernando Alfonso, Spain
  • Co-Chair: Sofie Gevaert, Belgium
  • Past Chair: David Adlam, United Kingdom
Acute Pulmonary Embolism
  • Chair: Erik Klok, The Netherlands
  • Co-Chair: To be nominated 
  • Past Chair: Stavros Konstantinides, Germany
Cardiogenic Shock and Cardiac Arrest
  • Chair: Guido Tavazzi, Italy
  • Co-Chair: To be nominated 


Nominating Committee

  • Chair: ACVC Past President 2024–2026 – Kurt Huber (AT)
  • Co-Chair: ACVC Previous Past President 2024–2026 – Christian Hassager (DK)
  • Elected Members: Maddalena Lettino (IT), Antonia Sambola (ES) and Eva Swahn (SE)

ACVC Task Forces

ACVC Task Forces Roles
Acute Rhythm Disturbances Chair: Andreas Goette
Members: Bulent Gorenek, Michael Spartalis, Nils Gosau, Gurbet Ozge Mert, George A. Dan 
Cardiovascular Inflammation   Chair: François Roubille
Women in ACVC Chair: Agnieszka Tycinska
Co-Chair: Brigit Vogel
Members: Antonia Sambola
Antithrombotic Therapy

Chair: Christophe Vandenbriele

Co-Chair: Diego Araiza Garaygordobil 

Members: Kurt Huber

Imaging Chair: Christopher Sinning 
Digital Health

Chair: Rafael Vidal Perez

Members: Sara Moccia, Otilia Tica, Allan Bohm, Marco Tubaro

Early Heart Attack Care (EHAC)

Chair: Frank Breuckmann