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ACVC Study Group Cardiogenic Shock and Cardiac Arrest Study group


  • Strengthen the network with international and national sister societies in Europe and across the globe
  • Define existing knowledge gaps to identify research priorities
  • Promote high quality collaborative research through the global network
  • Frame similarities and differences amongst countries globally regarding the care of patients with CS and CA
  • Standardise management and education in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of CS and CA patients with a specific focus on critical care management
  • Define quality indicators regarding treatment goals and outcome for CS and CA

Study Group Members

  • Chairperson: Guido Tavazzi, Italy
  • Co Chairperson: Steffen Desch , Germany 
  • Members: 

    Alexandre Mebazaa (HFA), Carlos Alviar (NYU/ACC), Pablo Jorge Perez, Konstantin Krychtiuk, Jason Katz (ACC), Christopher Barnett (AHA), Uwe Zeymer, Alaide Chieffo (EAPCI), Alain Combes (ACVC/ESICM), Agniezka Tycinska, Janine Poess, Sean Van Diepen (AHA/ACC), Sinha Shashank (ACC), Jan Belohlavek (EuroELSO), David Morrow (AHA/ACC), Marin Pavlov, Sigrun Halvorsen, Kurt Huber, Alessandro Sionis, Hannah Schaubroeck, Johannes Grand (Young ACVC), Christophe Vandenbriele (Young ACVC), Benedikt Schrage (Young ACVC), Mireia Padilla Lopez (Young ACVC)

  • Advisors: Christian Hassager and Susanna Price
  • Associates: Holgher Thiele, Martin Balik, Michelle Rossberg, Marko Noc, Katia Orvin 


If you should have any questions, please contact us.