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Pocket Guidelines on Cardio-oncology

ESC Pocket Guidelines

Valvular, Myocardial, Pericardial, Pulmonary, Congenital Heart Disease

Publication: 2022

Chairpersons:  Alexander Lyon and Teresa Lopez-Fernandez 

Order Pocket Guidelines

Table of content

1. Introduction

1.1. Cancer and cardiovascular needs of patients with cancer

1.2. General principles of cardio-oncology

2. Cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity definitions

3. Cardiovascular toxicity risk stratification before anticancer therapy

3.1. General approach to cardiovascular toxicity risk in patients with cancer

3.2. History and clinical examination

3.3. Electrocardiogram

3.4. Cardiac serum biomarkers

3.5. Cardiovascular imaging

4. Prevention and monitoring of cardiovascular complications during cancer therapy

5. Diagnosis and management of acute and subacute cardiovascular toxicity in patients receiving anticancer treatment

5.1. Cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction

5.2. Coronary artery disease

5.3. Valvular heart disease

5.4. Cardiac arrhythmias

5.5. Arterial hypertension

5.6. Thrombosis and thromboembolic events

5.7. Bleeding complications

5.8. Pulmonary hypertension during anticancer therapy

5.9. Pericardial diseases

6. End-of-cancer therapy cardiovascular risk assessment

6.1. Which cancer survivors require cardiovascular surveillance in the first year after cancer treatment?

6.2. Management of cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction at the end-of-therapy assessment

6.3. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and fitness during the end-of-therapy assessment

7. Long-term follow-up and chronic cardiovascular complications in cancer survivors

7.1. Cancer survivors

7.2. Myocardial dysfunction and heart failure

7.3. Coronary artery disease.

7.4. Valvular heart disease

7.5. Peripheral artery disease and stroke

7.6. Pregnancy in cancer survivors

7.7. Pulmonary hypertension

8. Special populations

8.1. Pregnant patients with cancer

8.2. Carcinoid valvular heart disease

8.3. Amyloid light-chain cardiac amyloidosis

8.4. Cardiac implantable electronic devices