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Clinical Trialists Summer School

19/06/2019 17:00 22/06/2019 12:00 Europe/Paris Clinical Trialists Summer School

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Heart Failure Association of the ESC DD/MM/YYYY
Heart Failure


An event for intellectual interaction between key opinion leaders in Heart Failure, principal investigators in major clinical trials in Heart Failure and young clinicians already or about to become Heart Failure specialists.


The HFA believes that through this interaction, novel and promising concepts for the understanding and treatment of heart failure can be developed at the crossroad of experienced experts, trialists, and young enthusiastic clinicians. Young clinicians will benefit from the unique atmosphere thorough new ideas, mentoring and motivation to follow even more enthusiastic career in clinical science in the field of heart failure.

All participants are expected to attend the whole meeting. The content of the Summer School is to be an extension of the Postgraduate Zurich Course on Heart Failure, although the young participants can be those who have or have not attended this course.



  • To provide initial training in clinical investigation for young Heart Failure specialists
  • To combine focused in-person interactive learning sessions lectures with online/blended learning in both an intensive onsite and longitudinal manner
  • Focus on skills generation in particular:
    • How to read and critique literature, trials, data
    • Basics of data management/analysis
    • Secondary analysis of epidemiological/trial datasets
    • Basics of clinical trial design
    • Ethical conduct of research
    • How to be an effective site investigator


 Preparatory stages leading to the Clinical Trialists Summer School 2019

We want to ensure that all students have a basic knowledge of statistical principles prior to the course so that everyone begins on roughly the same level. In order to achieve this, we expect all students to complete a limited amount of on-line learning prior to the course, focusing on understanding types of data, summarizing data, inference and types of error.

  • Beginning of April 2019: preparatory materials  sent to CTSS participants
  • End of May 2019: face-to-face meeting  at the HFA Congress for CTSS participants attending the congress with course directors/faculties
  • Early June 2019: online video conference  organised for CTSS with statisticians

Onsite Programme

The Preliminary Programme is now ready.

Preliminary Programme


Meeting participation will be limited to 20 people. Two thirds will be young clinicians with an interest in the field of Heart Failure and the other participants will be faculty members.

How to apply ?

  • write about your motivation
  • add your cv in pdf format

Deadline to apply is 14 April



If your application is accepted, a participation fee of €800 will be requested (registration will open once candidates are notified). This fee covers participation in the sessions as well as 3 nights' accommodation plus meals.

Each participant will need need to arrange their travel at their own expense.

All participants are expected to attend the whole meeting.

Selection criteria

Young clinicians will be selected based on the following criteria:


For 10 highly motivated participants from low or middle-income countries, travel grants will be allocated.


CTSS workshop 2017_2.jpg

CTSS workshop 2017.jpg


HFA Summer School through the years


The CTSS 2017 was a well organised meeting for Heart Failure enthusiasts under the supervision of high-profile lecturers in the field. The atmosphere was stimulating and there was time for networking and scientific discussions in the fantastic surrounding of Cape Sounio. With regard to my own development, the course has encouraged me to take the role of a National Lead (Sweden) in an international Heart Failure trail (AFFIRM-AHF).

I highly recommend the CTSS 2018 for all future Heart Failure Specialists and Clinical Trialists!

Erasmus Bachus, MD, PhD, FHFA, CAS in Heart Failure

If you are interested in Clinical Trials with a special emphasis on Heart Failure then the HFA Clinical Trialist Summer School is really the course for you! I was privileged to be selected and attended the first edition of the course. It was great!

Not only will you interact and learn by attending interactive lectures and workshops given by world experts, but you will also have the opportunity to get to know them and share your thoughts and ideas with them. You will also meet colleagues from all over the world and you will have the opportunities to make new friends. Last but not least, the scenery is magnificent. Sounio in summer is amazing! Good food, beautiful environment (the sea and the sun are all the time there), world experts teaching you in an almost one to one basis! What else can you ask for? Apply!!! 

George Michas, final year Cardiology trainee based in Athens, Greece.

2018 Editions

Onsite programme 

2018 programme

List of Faculties 2018


  • Stefan Anker, Germany
  • Brian Claggett, United States of America
  • Ashey Suvas Desai, United States of America
  • Gerasimos Filippatos, Greece
  • Arno Hoes, Netherlands
  • Ewa Jankowska, Poland
  • Marco Metra, Italy
  • Georgios Nikopoulos, Greece
  • Demosthenes Panagiotakos, Greece
  • Frank Ruschitzka, Switzerland
  • Petar Seferovic, Serbia
  • Scott Solomon, United States of America

Teaching Assistants

  • Maja Cikes, Croatia
  • Kevin Damman, Netherlands
  • Muthiah Vaduganathan, United States of America