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EAPC and TUM Diagnostics in Sports Cardiology Course

Technical University of Munich, University Hospital, Munich, Germany

06/05/2024 09:00 08/05/2024 17:00 Europe/Paris EAPC and TUM Diagnostics in Sports Cardiology Course

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European Association of Preventive Cardiology DD/MM/YYYY
Exercise Testing
Sports Cardiology


The three days seminar will give practical recommendations on the basis of general cardiology for those starting as well as those already practicing within the field. The course will give an in-depth overview on the specific aspects of echocardiology and exercise testing in sports cardiology. In practical sessions patients will be on site and diagnostics will be assessed in athletes, leisure time sportsmen with and without cardiovascular disease.


Sports Cardiology is an emerging field within cardiology. ESC Guidelines have outlined the scope and clinical statements on diagnostics, therapy and exercise recommendations have been published. However, the practical aspects in addition to the scientific and clinical background are often lacking in those becoming interested in preventive and sports cardiology.

The days can be booked as a total or each day separately. Low numbers of attendees of 15-20 will assure a hands-on teaching atmosphere. A certificate will be handed out after completion of each course. 

Learning objectives and programme

Day 1: Monday, 06 May - 09:00-16:45 CEST

Understanding the echocardiographic assessment of cardiac changes in athletes
Getting to know special diagnostics in sports cardiology and relevant sports cardiology issues
Learning how differentiate between an athlete’s heart and cardiomyopathies
Training at patients in small groups

Day 2: Tuesday, 7 May - 09:00-17:00 CEST

Understanding the basics of exercise physiology and the physiology behind CPET
Learning how to conduct and interpret cardiopulmonary exercise testing 

Day 3: Wednesday, 8 May - 09:00-17:00 CEST

To know the aims and content of lactate performance diagnostics
To understand the physiological mechanism of aerobic an anaerobic metabolism
To know different lactate threshold concepts and to understand differences 
To explain an interpret performance developments based on lactate performance diagnostics
To give practical training recommendations 

Course organiser and venue


Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München 

Course director

Professor Martin Halle
Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München 

Technical University of Munich, University Hospital,
Department of Preventive Sports Medicine and Sports
Cardiology, Georg-Brauchle-Ring 56, D-80992 Munich


Registration is now open. The registration fee includes course material and snacks.

10% special discount for EAPC Silver members*. Not a member yet? Join now

Registration type Registration fee
3 days (full course) €900**
1 day only €350**


For the registration, please send an email with your contact details and your EAPC Silver membership certificate, if applicable. Please indicate if you would like to attend the whole course or if you would like to book single day(s): E-mail for registration  

*A valid EAPC Silver membership certificate can be download from your MyESC Account
**max 20 participants per course (echo course: 15)