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RESILIENCE event - Survive cancer with a strong heart

On 19 October, the multi-stakeholder event 'Survive cancer with a strong heart' took place at the European Heart House in Sophia Antipolis, France. It was organised by the ESC EU Projects team together with the ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology in the context of the EU-funded project “RESILIENCE”.

It gathered 60 attendees (representatives from the industry, patients, patient organisations, regulatory agencies, cardiologists, oncologists, haematologists etc..) to discuss how RESILIENCE is shaping the future of cardio-oncology, ensuring safer and more effective cancer therapies, while preventing anthracycline cardiotoxicity.

“The ESC is a key partner in the project, and in addition to hosting the October event at the EHH, the ESC has contributed to the design of the research protocol and will play a key role in disseminating the results, and will help to educate cardiologists and cancer specialists on how to minimise the cardiac effects of cancer treatment.” said Professor Riccardo Asteggiano, past chairperson of the ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology