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ESC Heart & Stroke 2021 Resources

The international conference of the ESC Council on Stroke

02/06/2021 00:00 04/06/2021 00:00 Europe/Paris ESC Heart & Stroke 2021 Resources

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You can now view the recources from the conference dedicated to the interaction of heart & stroke.

Catch up on what you missed, refresh your memory.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Inaugural session

Session 1: Cardiovascular and Stroke update 21 in times of COVID

Chairpersons: Alison Halliday, Wolfram Doehner

Session 2: Anticoagulation

This session is sponsored by Bayer AG. The scientific programme has not been influenced in any way by its sponsor.

Debate 1: Anticoagulation in AF at borderline risk

Chairpersons: Gregory Lip , Renate Schnabel

Debate 2: Single, double or triple antithrombotic treatment in stroke prevention?

Session 3: Risk factors and secondary prevention of stroke

Chairpersons: Christiaan Vrints, Mikhail Loukianov

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Session 4: Interdisciplinary stroke management and pathways

This session is sponsored by Medtronic. The scientific programme has not been influenced in any way by its sponsor.

Chairpersons: Alison Halliday, Miloš Táborský, Jan Kovac, Wolfram Doehner)

Session 5: Mechanical Thrombectomy and adjacent therapies - Teaching session: Acute stroke neurointervention: what is new?

Chairpersons: Petr Widimsky, Marc Ribo

Session 6: Interventions for secondary stroke prevention

Chairpersons: Jan Kovac, Robert Hatala)

Friday, 4 June 2021

Session 7: Workshop session: Clinical cases and Guidelines

Workshop 1: “Cryptogenic stroke” how to... (diagnostic pathway, how and who should organise it)

Chairpersons: Jan Kovac, Sandor Nardai

Live abstract discussion 1: Risk Factors and Prevention

Chairpersons: Wolfram Doehner, Jan Kovac, Alison Halliday

Workshop 2: Acute stroke reperfusion treatment

Chairpersons: Jan Kovac, Sandor Nardai

Live abstract discussion 2: Acute stroke and Intervention

Chairpersons: Wolfram Doehner, Jan Kovac, Alison Halliday

Workshop 3: Combined anticoagulation / antiplatelet regimes in complex casesChairpersons: Jan Kovac, Sandor Nardai

Session 8: Final summary, award ceremony and conclusion of the conference

Chairpersons: Wolfram Doehner, Jan Kovac, Alison Halliday

Watch all the recordings