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CBCS Summer School 2023

The Council on Cardiovascular Basic Science organised the Summer School from 11 to 15 June 2023 at the European Heart House, as part of its strategy to train and mentor future leaders in the field. 

The Council was delighted to be back at the European Heart House after the absence in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Summer School is aimed at inspiring and fostering the careers of young, talented cardiovascular scientists in the early stages of their professional career. The summer school not only provides sound scientific content, but also trains participants in the development of soft skills for the future, by interacting with fellow researchers and learning how to present their work to their peers and senior experts in the field. 

This year's edition brought together more than 60 people, both juniors and experts, from various institutions across Europe. After a quick ice break evening, the participants were able to share their work to their peers and experts through poster sessions, a good opportunity for them to present their research. 

The SoT were invited to the ESC Summer School 2023, where they explained their activities and goals, while engaging young and brilliant scientists to participate. It was a great pleasure and experience! 

