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Regulations for invited speakers and chairpersons

ESC Preventive Cardiology 2025, Milan, 03 to 05 April 2025


These regulations apply to invited speakers, discussants and chairpersons for all sessions organised by the Congress Programme Committee, the ESC Councils, the ESC Associations and Working Groups.

  1. Details of support for travel and hotel accommodation, if any, has been sent to you by email with your original faculty invitations. In case of doubts, please contact - you may also find faculty entitlement details in the table below.
  2. All invited faculty having accepted their role will be automatically registered and will received a registration voucher before the congress. 
  3. No honorarium will be paid
  4. Invited speakers, discussants and chairpersons must reply via ‘My Agreements’ through the ‘My ESC’ online services (the link is provided in the original invitation and reminders) by the deadline announced. Once the deadline is past the Congress Programme Committee may review the programme and assign replacements for the faculty who have not confirmed participation
  5. All faculty must declare possible conflict of interest online when accepting the invitation as well as during the session
  6. All sessions will be recorded - presentations will be made available within 24h on ESC365 (provided the speakers have granted copyrights to the ESC via their agreement form)

Faculty entitlement:




EAPC Board Member

Up to 4 hotel nights

Covered as per the ESC Travel policy

Committee Member Chairperson-Elect

Up to 3 hotel nights

Covered as per the ESC Travel policy

ESC Board Member

1 hotel night for 1 role or
2 hotel nights for 2 roles and more in the Scientific Programme

Covered as per the ESC Travel policy



1 hotel night for 1 role or
2 hotel nights for 2 roles and more in the Scientific Programme

Not covered


Declaration of interest

The existence of potential conflicts of interest does not necessarily indicate a bias. However it is our ethical obligation to inform organisers and participants so that they are made aware of any relationship that might cause unintentional bias.
A potential conflict of interest may arise from various relationships, past or present, such as employment, consultancy, investments and stock ownership, funding for research, family relationship etc. This will allow the viewers to take potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the presentation.

When accepting the role(s) via the agreement form, Speaker/Chairperson/Discussant/Presenter have declared possible conflict of interest. This information is accessible to edit and update as may be required. It is the person's responsibility to ensure the information is up to date both in the system and on the slide which will be shown at the start of presentation. 


At the congress, Speaker must declare possible conflict of interest regarding their current presentation.

Chairpersons/Discussants/Judges must declare possible conflict of interest regarding the topics of the presentations orally at the beginning of the session.

Granting the ESC the rights to use the presentation for educational purposes

ESC is a not for profit association whose purpose and mission are to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. As stated in its statutes, ESC takes responsibility for education and training of cardiologists and other professionals involved with prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases of the heart and vessels. In addition, the ESC promotes and disseminates key scientific content and its repurposing into Educational programmes, training and development of standards throughout the world.

By assigning to the ESC the rights to use the Presentation(s)(and materials included in), Speakers/Chairpersons/Discussant/Presenter allow the ESC, directly or any entity or partner authorized by the ESC:

- to depict, record (including by video, photographic images, sound and image recordings, slides captures of the Presentation(s) or otherwise), use, broadcast, reformat, publish (as videos/ audio recording), edit, copy and/or reproduce, distribute, in whole or in part the Presentation(s), and prepare all type of derivative works such as press releases and/or educational products, using any and all communication or telecommunication tools and means, now known or hereinafter developed, including any and all digital means, television, radio and audiovisual communication processes, and any and all supports or forms of media, now known or hereinafter developed, in particular all paper, analog, digital, numerical, and electronic media, including Internet, Intranet and Extranet sites, social media, and televisual media;

- to adapt and/or translate the Presentation(s) in any language without prior review and approval.

This notably includes use of the Presentation(s) in whole or in part, or of its/their title(s), in indexes or search databases and in any printed and electronic congress publications or congress media channel (e.g., ESC TV & ESC 365 or Online Programme platform). These rights are assigned free of charge, on a non-exclusive and worldwide basis, for twenty (20) years from the signature of the present authorization, which is subject to French Law.

Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association:

Please note that any medical research involving human subjects must conform to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association. We remind you that patient's photos should be avoided and the patient must never be identifiable in your presentation.


You have personal data, which is, according to the Law on data processing and Civil Liberties 78-17 of 6 January 1978 modified, registered with the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and, where the congress is organised jointly with other organisations, may also be transferred to the congress co-organisers. The information you supply on this form is required to process it and it will be held in the customer data files of the organiser(s). It may be used for marketing and communication purposes by the organisers and their contractors only. You have the absolute right to access, amend and oppose any use of this personal data by writing to the ESC at the address mentioned below or by using the 'Contact Us' form here.

European Society of Cardiology - Data Privacy

2035 Route des Colles - Les Templiers - 2035 Route des Colles - CS 80179 Biot - 06903 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS CEDEX - France