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Types of sessions

FCVB 2022, 29 April - 1 May


FCVB-2016_Day1_0082.jpgAllows for in-depth discussions on developments and advances in the various fields of cardiovascular biology and structured around four to five presentations.



High profile lectures delivered by world-renowned leaders in their fields.

Abstract-based programme

Young Investigator Award sessions

FCVB- yia-awardees.jpg2 sessions dedicated to young investigator where 8 finalists who submitted their research under the Young Investigator option (40 years of age or under) will present their research. This session will be chaired by senior faculty members and a panel of renowned experts in specific fields who will evaluate the presentations for final awards, which will be presented during the Awards ceremony at the end of the congress.

Moderated Poster sessions

Those sessions will be moderated by Chairpersons, experts in the topic. Presenters will have dedicated time to present during the break sessions in front of an appreciative audience.

Poster sessions

FCVB-2016_Day1_0393.jpgAn ideal platform to meet the presenters, colleagues and peers in front of their research and to discuss their findings. Presenters will briefly discuss the content of their poster with a Reviewer in front of an appreciative audience during breaks.