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In Memoriam - Professor Jean-Philippe Collet

collet-jean-philippe-2014.jpgThe ESC is deeply saddened by the passing of our dear friend and colleague Prof. Jean-Philippe Collet. He was a long-standing member of the ESC community, who generously shared his expertise and energy. The cardiovascular community has lost an inspiring leader and a man whose warmth and generosity profoundly touched all those who knew him.

Jean-Philippe was a Professor of Cardiology at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (APHP) where he led the department of cardiovascular disease. He was also the director of Cardiovascular Training Programme at Sorbonne Université. His main expertise was the field of thrombosis, the effect of antithrombotic agents and the development of new devices for structural heart intervention. He was a member and a founder of the Academic Research Organisation A.C.T.I.O.N (Alliés in Cardiovascular Trials, Initiatives and Organized Networks) and multiple major clinical trials as a principal investigator (AMERICA, DOSAPI, ARCTIC and ATLANTIS).

He was a pillar of the European Society of Cardiology, with roles and contributions ranging from the ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee, to nucleus member of the Working Group on Thrombosis and serving as Chair of the EAPCI scientific programme.

On behalf of everyone at the European Society of Cardiology, our thoughts and sympathy go out to Jean-Phillipe’s family, friends and colleagues.