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Worldwide Emergency Medical Services to receive the Andreas Grüntzig Ethica Award at EuroPCR 2023

The award is given annually to outstanding individuals or organisations who have made an exceptional contribution to interventional cardiovascular medicine and patient care

Cardiovascular Surgery

Paris, France. At EuroPCR 2023, the interventional community paid tribute to Emergency Medical Services throughout the world for their critical role in enabling timely care. International representatives of emergency medical services received the Andreas Grüntzig Ethica Award at the opening ceremony of this year’s Course, further spotlighting the importance of their work in the establishment of networks for the care of STEMI patients.

This year, EuroPCR 2023 celebrated 30 years of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p-PCI) in ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) and it is only fitting that the many individuals and organizations that comprise Emergency Medical Services (EMS) worldwide were chosen to receive the 2023 Ethica Award – not only for their contribution to healthcare systems in general, but their fundamental role in facilitating the effective treatment of STEMI patients.

The 2023 Ethica Award acknowledges the critical role EMS organisations worldwide have played– and continue to play – in making care accessible. During the opening ceremony the award was received by representatives of the European EMS leadership network: in person by Professor Pierre Carli (France; chairman of EMS/SAMU), Dr Martin Smeekes (the Netherlands, CEO EMS North Holland North) and Dr Freddy Lippert (Denmark, Chairman of European EMS Leadership) and by video, by representatives of EMS worldwide including Dr José G. Cabañas (USA; the National Association of EMS Physicians, NAEMSP), Mr David Waters (Australia; the Australasia Council of Ambulance Authorities), Professor Marcus Ong (Singapore; the Asian Association for EMS, AAEMS) and Ms Ann Doll (USA, the Global Resuscitation Alliance).


The STEMI networks are a result of the extensive collaboration between EMS and the world of interventional cardiology. Dr Jean Fajadet, Co-Chair of the PCR Board explains that “any delay in getting a patient to the cath lab can be reduced drastically by the… organisation of emergency healthcare professionals” something which we know to be linked to providing best possible outcomes”. Presenting the Ethica Award to EMS worldwide clearly demonstrates, in the words of Dr Fajadet, “a sign that we value our important relationship with them.”

For Dr Thomas Cuisset, EuroPCR Course Director, “building the STEMI network from the patient’s home to the cath lab has really made a difference in improving prognosis.” And the fact that EMS is both international in scope and local in application provides valuable information, offering pathways that optimise the delivery of care. Dr Nicolas Dumonteil, EuroPCR Course Director, speaks to this diversity of EMS teams who represent “physicians, emergency room doctors, emergency specialists, paramedics, nurses and even firefighters in some countries”. While Dr Nieves Gonzalo, EuroPCR Course Director notes that while “we applaud the roles of the pioneers of primary PCI…without the work of EMS teams, primary PCI would never have been successful”.
The development of STEMI networks also has promising implications for the future management of other time-dependant conditions such as stroke and so much more.

Together we can do more!

In giving the Ethica Award to EMS worldwide, EuroPCR and the PCR community wanted to further acknowledge that a successful healthcare system depends on the dedication, excellence and training of all healthcare professionals and at every level. For Professor William Wijns, Chair of the PCR Board “there are always ways to build an even stronger relationship” by continually striving “to optimise communication between all stakeholders – both before and after hospital admission – in order to achieve the best possible experience for our patients.” As Ms Ann Doll of the Global Resuscitation Alliance says, “We look forward to continuing this journey together to make this world a better place” and with the common goal of offering the best care possible for all our patients.

Notes to editor

Key information
• Ethica Award presentation to Worldwide Emergency Medical Services
• Palais des Congrès Porte Maillot – Paris, France
• Tuesday 16 May 2023 - 10:30 - Main Arena

About EuroPCR 2023
The World-Leading Course in interventional cardiovascular medicine and the official annual meeting of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) will take place from 16 to 19 May 2023, onsite at the Palais des congrès, Paris, France. A digital package is also available for those unable to join in person. The detailed Course Programme is available on:

About PCR
The mission of PCR is to serve the needs of each individual patient by helping the cardiovascular community to share knowledge, experience and practice. PCR offers a large range of many other educational meetings and resources for the continuing education of the interventional cardiovascular community. These include major annual Courses across the globe, e-Learning with high-profile PCR Webinars, Courses specifically dedicated to valvular heart disease, tailor-made PCR Seminars on specific topics, online resources and medical publications such as EuroIntervention, the official journal of the EAPCI.
Gateways to all PCR activities are available on
For further information, please contact Sally Collingridge:

About the EAPCI
The European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) is a branch of the European Society of Cardiology. Its mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease through percutaneous cardiovascular interventions. This dynamic association represents a community of over 8,700 healthcare professionals by helping them remain up to date in the constantly evolving field of PCI by publishing research and providing training and certification programmes. The EAPCI also advocates for the best possible access to life saving treatments for patients through data-based advocacy at a European level.

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