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Statement From The ESC On The Branded vs. Generic Drug Debate

Cheap drugs will help the delivery of health care in Europe

The long-standing debate as to whether generic cardiovascular drugs are just as effective as brand name counterparts has been commented widely in media reports following the publication of a new meta-analysis by the Journal of the American Medical Association comparing effectiveness of generic versus brand name drugs (3 December 2008 edition).
Basic Science

The European Society of Cardiology Press Office asked Professor John Martin, ESC Spokesperson for political issues, to comment.

Says Professor Martin,"the action of most modern therapeutics for cardiovascular diseases entails the interaction between a defined molecular species and a receptor or enzyme.  As long as appropriate equivalence studies have been performed under the guidance of regulatory authorities, there should be no reason why the manufacture or presentation of a molecule should effect its action.  Cheap drugs will help the delivery of health care in Europe."


Clinical Equivalence of Generic and Brand-Name Drugs Used in Cardiovascular Disease
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Aaron S. Kesselheim, MD, JD, MPH; Alexander S. Misono, BA; Joy L. Lee, BA; Margaret R. Stedman, MPH; M. Alan Brookhart, PhD; Niteesh K. Choudhry, MD, PhD; William H. Shrank, MD, MSHS

 JAMA. 2008;300(21):2514-2526.