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Pushing the boundaries of cardiovascular science: get ready for FCVB 2022

29 April to 1 May in Budapest, Hungary

Basic Science

Cutting-edge basic and translational cardiovascular research: that’s Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB) 2022, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). The biennial congress of the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science (CBCS) takes place 29 April to 1 May at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. Explore the scientific programme.

Innovative research will be showcased in the scientific abstracts. Discover how genetic techniques are being investigated to limit heart muscle damage after a myocardial infarction. What are the mechanisms causing cardiovascular complications of COVID-19, and are there effective treatments for patients with long COVID? Find out in the ground-breaking abstract programme.

Don’t miss the keynote lecture from the pioneering physicist Professor Albert-László Barabási.1 The father of network biology will provide his viewpoint on the diseaseome, which examines links between healthy and diseased molecular pathways. Network medicine in cardiology will also be explored in a dedicated session.2

Professor Péter Ferdinandy, Scientific Programme co-chairperson, said: “Science now generates large quantities of data, referred to as ‘big data’. Network medicine uses novel bioinformatic and mathematical models to analyse this information and examine the connections between different diseases, which might facilitate the development of new treatments.”

Also of growing interest: how to protect the heart against multiple co-existing conditions in ageing.3 “The success of cardioprotective strategies seems to largely depend on the comorbidities of a patient,” said Professor Ferdinandy. “For example, certain diseases can change the efficacy and safety of medicines designed to prevent heart problems, making this an important consideration for drug development. These issues will be discussed at the conference along with how to maintain healthy ageing.”

“Exercise and sports may be considered as potential therapeutic interventions in various cardiovascular diseases and will be debated in two sessions,” added Professor Akos Koller, Scientific Programme co-chairperson.4,5 “These will cover how the cardiovascular system adapts to exercise and how to maintain a healthy heart with the right form of sport.”

On the flip side, inactivity is detrimental for the heart and blood vessels. Hear leaders in the field reveal new insights into how obesity and metabolic syndrome influence the development of vascular disease.6 Professor Koller said: “This is a hot topic of research since during the COVID era, many people put on weight and didn’t exercise. We have to learn more about the effect of overweight and sedentary lifestyle on vascular health, and how it can be reversed, because so far the mechanisms are not well understood.”

COVID-19 takes centre stage in two sessions examining the acute and long-term effects of infection such as blood clots.7,8 “This is a chance to hear from the scientists behind these discoveries and clarify many misconceptions,” said Professor Koller.

Other highlights in the programme include the implications of gender differences in cardiovascular disease for diagnosis, therapy and drug design;9 the potential role of gut microorganisms in atrial fibrillation and other cardiac conditions;10 and the most advanced data on heart damage caused by immune-targeted cancer therapies.11

FCVB covers the entire spectrum of basic and translational cardiovascular biomedicine. Register as press now and receive news releases from this trailblazing conference.



Notes to editor

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References and notes

1Molecular networks of disease: the diseaseome.

2Network medicine in cardiology.

3Novel concepts in cardiac protection in the ageing heart.

4Sport! More sport! No sport! Burning questions of sports cardiology.

5Adaptations of the coronary macro- and micro-vasculature to regular aerobic exercise: physiological, cellular and molecular mechanisms.

6Vascular metabolic syndrome.

7COVID-19: concerns of the heart.

8COVID-19 and thrombotic complications.

9Sex-specific effects in cardiovascular disease.

10Gut dysbiosis: an active player in cardiovascular disease.

11Novel insights on well-known players in cardio-oncology.


About Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB)  #FCVB2022

Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB) is the biennial congress of the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science (CBCS), which works to bridge the gap between science and clinical practice. FCVB is hosted by the CBCS in collaboration with 14 ESC Working Groups and European cardiovascular science societies.


About the European Society of Cardiology

The ESC brings together health care professionals from more than 150 countries, working to advance cardiovascular medicine and help people to live longer, healthier lives.


Information for journalists attending FCVB 2022

FCVB 2022 takes place 29 April to 1 May at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. Explore the scientific programme.

  • Free registration applies to accredited press.
  • Credentials: A valid press cardor appropriate letter of assignment with proof of three recent published articles. Read the ESC media and embargo policy.
  • The ESC Press Office will verify the documents and confirm by email that your press accreditation is valid.
  • The ESC Press Office decision is final regarding all press registration requests.