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First issue of “European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy” is out today

New ESC journal aims to publish the highest quality research, interpreting and integrating new scientific developments within the field of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. 

Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy

Sophia Antipolis, 22 January 2015. The European Society of Cardiology is delighted to announce the publication of the first issue of European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (EHJCVP), which will be published by Oxford University Press (OUP).

Pharmacotherapy is an increasingly important area of cardiology given the high number of cardiac patients who are on medication of some kind. This new journal aims to publish the highest quality research, interpreting and integrating new scientific developments within the field of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy.  The overarching goal of the journal is to improve the care of patients with cardiovascular disease with a specific focus on cardiovascular pharmacotherapy.

Professor Fausto Pinto, President of the ESC said:

"The ESC is very proud to launch this new journal that will address a gap in cardiovascular publications today. Updated information on new treatment strategies is essential for today's practices and better patient management. I am certain that this new member of the ESC journal family will be very useful and well received by the cardiovascular community."

Helen Leipman, Senior Publisher at OUP said:

“Oxford University Press is very proud to be involved in this new initiative of the ESC as publisher of their new journal. The field of clinical cardiovascular pharmacology is a burgeoning one but it is ever important to focus on improving prognosis for cardiovascular disease and we hope that we can go some way to achieving that with the new journal. Alongside European Heart Journal and Cardiovascular Research, EHJ-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy is an important addition to the ESC journal family and we look forward to working with Professor Agewall and his team to make it a great success.”

The Editor-in-Chief of EHJCVP is Professor Stefan Agewall of the Institute for Clinical Medicine at the University of Oslo. OUP will publish four issues of EHJCVP in 2015, and the journal will be freely available until December 2016.


Notes to editor

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) represents more than 80 000 cardiology professionals across Europe and the Mediterranean. Its mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in Europe.

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