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Female Leaders in Cardiology by Sarah Clarke



Prof. Sarah Clarke

Consultant interventional cardiologist and clinical director for strategic development, Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, UK, Prof. Clarke has a regional, national and international leadership profile. She is immediate Past President of the British Cardiovascular Society, and current ESC Statutes Revision Task Force Chairperson, Clinical Vice President, Royal College of Physicians London, International Governor for Europe at the ACC and a Trustee of the British Heart Foundation. In 2018 she was awarded an ESC Grant for the 2018 Women Transforming Leadership Programme at the Saïd Business School, Oxford and in recognition of her global leadership was awarded the 2018 ACC International Service Award by the President of the ACC.

Summary: Discover the testimonial of Prof. Sarah Clarke, ESC Grant Winner for the Women Transforming Leadership Programme in 2018, who will be discussing leadership, her experience and her career in cardiology.