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Hong Kong College of Cardiology

An ESC Affiliated Cardiac Society

Hong Kong, HK


Structure 2024-2025

President: Dr. Leung Tat Chi, Godwin

President-Elect: Dr. Tsui Kin Lam

Honorary Secretary: Dr. Chan Kwok Keung

Honorary Treasurer: Dr. Chan Wing Sze, Carmen

Immediate Past President: Dr. Chan Wai Kwong, Andy


Number of members: 498

Year founded: 1992

Year of ESC affiliation: 2008


Since its foundation in 1992, the Hong Kong College of Cardiology has continued its mission to promote the advancement of cardiovascular medicine and practice for public benefit through scientific, professional, educational activities and international communication and cooperation. Its ultimate goal is working towards the improvement of heart health for the people of Hong Kong. It also acts as a body for consultation in related matters of educational or public interest.


Since 2005, the Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology has been published bi-annually in April and October.