Selected sessions on heart failure
Heart failure: recent breakers
Worsening heart failure: are we winning the war?
Obesity in heart failure: observations, outcomes, and options
Heart Failure is the stage and amyloid a key player
Hot off the press: heart failure-related cardiogenic shock
Late-Breaking science
Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on heart failure (1)
Smaller trials, trial updates, and other studies on heart failure (2)
Clinical trial updates on the GLP-1 receptor agonist, semaglutide
Guidelines in practice
Implementing the 2023 Focused Update on Heart Failure - target, treat, and titrate
Great Debates
Atrial fibrillation and heart failure - 'to ablate or not to ablate, that is the question'
Mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock - 'the course of true love never did run smooth'