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EACVI announces New Congress in 2020 Covering Full Spectrum of Cardiac Imaging

EACVI Congress 2020


Lisbon, Portugal - 6 December 2017

The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) announces the launch of a major new congress in early April 2020, creating bridges among all cardiovascular imaging fields. This event is designed to be the world’s first and leading reference in cardiovascular multimodality imaging (MMI).

The "EACVI Congress" will be the primary destination for cardiac imagers to meet renowned experts in echocardiography, cardiovascular magnetic resonance, cardiac computed tomography, and nuclear cardiology and to learn the latest advances in each field.

This global approach to cardiac imaging responds to the increasing clinical need for a patient-centric path served by different imaging modalities. The new conference will emphasise clinical practice by pathology.

The broad scope of the new congress will also make it relevant for colleagues of different specialties not necessarily involved directly in imaging, such as emergency doctors, technologists, and other health care professionals.

"The EACVI Congress will be the first of its kind in cardiovascular multimodality imaging (MMI)." said Professor Bogdan A. Popescu, president of the EACVI. "It will be the place where all the imaging modalities come together for the best management of every patient. This multimodality approach meets the need on the ground where the evolving job of imagers solving clinical problems requires being more diversified."

The EACVI Board’s vision is for the new congress to occur every four years, as a single event starting from 2020. In between, the running of the current EACVI meetings – EuroEcho-Imaging, EuroCMR, and ICNC - will continue. “This will allow us to incorporate all the feedback and improvements needed to make the EACVI Congress the MMI world reference,” said Prof. Popescu.