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European CMR Centres

Find out which European centres specialise in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

If you would like your center to be listed here or if there is an error in your listing, please contact us.

Country Center City
Austria LKH Graz West Graz
Austria Universitätsklinik Innsbruck Innsbruck
Austria LKH Elisabethinen Linz
Austria LKH St. Pölten St. Poelten
Austria Donauklinikum Tulln, Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology Tulln
Austria Medical University of Vienna, Department of Cardiology Vienna
Austria Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung, Department of Internal Medicine Vienna
Austria KH Hietzing Vienna
Austria Hanusch Krankenhaus Vienna
Belgium  Université Catholique de Louvain Brussels
Belgium UZ Leuven, Department of Radiology Leuven
Belgium UZ Leuven, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences Leuven
Croatia Thalassotherapia Opatija, Department of cardiology Opatija
Croatia  University Hospital Center Rijeka Rijeka
Croatia University Hospital Split, Department of Radiology Split
Croatia Poliklinika SUNCE Split Split
Croatia University Hospital Center Zagreb, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Zagreb
Croatia Poliklinika Neuron Zagreb
Croatia County General Hospital Bjelovar
Czech Republic  
Czech Republic

University Hospital in Brno

International Clinical Research Center (ICRC), St. Anne's Hospital Brno

 Czech Republic University Hospital Olomouc, Department of Radiodiagnostics Olomouc
 Czech Republic Military Hospital Olomouc, Department of Radiodiagnostics Olomouc
 Czech Republic University Hospital in Plzen Plzen
Czech Republic Charles University in Prague, Department of Diagnostic Radiology Prague
 Czech Republic Department of Radiodiagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Spectroscopy, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine Prague
 Czech Republic Na Homolce Hospital, Department of Radiology Prague
 Czech Republic Hospital in Zlin Zlin
Denmark Aarhus University, Department of Computer Science and Department of Clinical Medicine Aarhus
Denmark Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, Cardiology Aarhus
Denmark University of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Department of Cardiology Copenhagen
Denmark Odense University Hospital, Department of Cardiology Odense
Finland Department of Radiology, HUS Medical Imaging Center, Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki Helsinki
Finland Childrens Hosptital -- Helsinki University Helsinki
Finland Department of Cardiology, Helsinki University Central Hospital Helsinki
ICPS, Institut Jacques Cartier Massy
France University Hospital Paris, Albert Chenevier-Henri Mondor, Service de Cardiologie  Paris
France CHU Bichat - Claude Bernard Paris
France Hôpital européen Georges Pompidou Paris
France Hôpital Cochin, Service de radiologie A, AP-HP Paris
Germany Kerkhoff Klinik Bad Nauheim Bad Nauheim
Germany German Heart Institute Berlin, Department of Internal Medicine - Cardiology Berlin
Germany Charité Campus Buch, Helios Klinikum Berlin Buch Berlin
Germany Radiology Darmstadt, Akadem. Lehrpraxis fuer Radiiologie der Universitaet Heidelberg, Standort am Alice-Hospital, Darmstadt Darmstadt
Germany Duesseldorf University Hospital Dusseldorf
Germany Contilia Heart and Vascular Center, St. Elisabeth Hospital Essen, Department of Cardiology and Angiology Essen
Germany Cardioangiologisches Centrum Bethanien CCB, Frankfurt Frankfurt
Germany Institute for Experimental and Translational Cardiovascular Imaging, DZHK Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging, JW Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt-am-Main Frankfurt
Germany University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Hamburg
Germany University of Heidelberg, Department of Cardiology Heidelberg
Germany Herzzentrum Leipzig - University Hospital, Department of Radiology Leipzig
Germany Herzzentrum Leipzig - University Hospital, Department of Cardiology Leipzig
Germany Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Campus Lübeck Lübeck
Germany University Hospital Regensburg Regensburg
Germany Robert Bosch Hospital, Department of Cardiology Stuttgart
Germany Heart Clinic Ulm Ulm
Germany Universitaetsklinikum Wuerzburg Wurzburg
Greece Mediterraneo Hospital, Cardiac MRI Service Athens
Greece Metropolitan Hospital, Cardiac MRI centre Athens
Greece Olympic Diagnostic Centre Piraeus Piraeus
Hungary Heart Center, Semmelweis University, Budapest Budapest
Hungary IMC Diagnostic Centre Budapest Budapest
Hungary Insitute of Dianostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology, University of Kaposvár Kaposvar
Hungary Heart Institute, University of Pécs Pecs
Hungary Radiology Department, Erzsébet Hospital Sopron Sopron
Ireland The Blackrock Clinic Dublin Dublin
Ireland  St Vincent's Hospital Dublin
Israel Sheba Medical Center, Heart Institute Tel Hashomer
Italy University of L'Aquila  L'Aquila
Italy B. Ramazzini Hospital, AUSL Modena Carpi
Italy Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies Chieti
Italy Versilia Hospital Lido di Camaiore
Italy Pediatric Hospital Massa  Massa
Italy "G. Martino" University Hospital Messina Messina
Italy Centro Cardiologico Monzino Milan
Italy Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Grande Milan
Italy Cardiology Dept, University of Padua Padua
Italy C.N.R./Regione Toscana “G. Monasterio Foundation” Pisa
Italy M.G.Vannini Hospital Roma
Italy Department of Cardiovascular,  Sapienza University of Rome Roma
Italy Department of Radiology, Sapienza University of Rome Roma
Italy Clinica Columbus Roma
Italy Istituto Clinico Humanitas Rozzano (Milano)
Italy San Donato Milanese Hospital S Donato (Milan)
Italy AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino Torino
Lithuania Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Cardiology Kaunas
Lithuania Vilnius University, Departament of Cardiovascular Medicine Vilnius
Lithuania Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu klinikos, Department of Radiology Vilnius
Netherlands Department of Cardiology VU Medical Center Amsterdam Amsterdam
Netherlands Leiden University Medical Center Leiden
Netherlands Department of Cardiology Maastricht University Center  Maastricht
Netherlands  Sophia's Children's Hospital Rotterdam, Department of Pediatric Cardiology Rotterdam
Netherlands Department of cardiology, Hagaziekenhuis  The Hague
Netherlands University Medical Center Utrecht Utrecht
Norway Oslo University Hospital, Department of Radiology Oslo
Poland II Radiology Department, Medical University in Gdansk Gdansk
Poland European Centre of Health Otwock, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Otwock Otwock
Poland Transfiguration Hospital, Medical University in Poznan Poznan
Poland Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland Warszawa
Poland Department of Clinical Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics, 4th Military Hospital in Wroclaw, Center for Diagnosis, Prevention and Telemedicine, John Paul II Hospital Wroclaw
Poland Department of Cardiology, Silesian Center for Heart Disease in Zabrze Zabrze
Portugal Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Norte, Hospital de Santa Maria, Serviço de Cardiologia Lisbon
Portugal Hospital da Luz Lisbon
Portugal Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Cardiology Department Vila Nova de Gaia
Romania Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest
Russia Department of Tomography, Cardiology Research Center Moscow
Serbia Radiology Clinic, University Clinical Center of Serbia Belgrade
Slovenia Radiology department at General Hospital Izola  Izola
Slovenia Clinical Institute of Radiology , University Clinical Centre Ljubljana  Ljubljana
Slovenia Radiology department at University Clinical Centre Maribort Maribort
Slovak Republic  
Slovak Republic MR pracovisko, KRaZM  Kosice
Slovak Republic Military Hospital Ruzomberok Ruzomberok
Slovak Republic
Institute of Diagnostic Imaging  Trnava
Spain Hospital Sant Pau Barcelona
Spain Vall Hebron Hospital, Imaging Department Barcelona
Spain Hospital Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Department of Cardiology  Madrid
Spain Hospital Gregorio Marañon, Department of Cardiology Spain
Spain Hospital Universitario La Paz, Area de Imagen Cardiaca Madrid
Spain Cardiovascular Unit, ASCIRES Biomedical Group Valencia
Sweden Lindköping University Linköping
Sweden Lund University  Lund
Sweden Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Clinical Physiology Stockholm
Sweden Uppsala University Hospital, Department of Radiology Uppsala
Switzerland Kantonsspital Aarau Aarau
Switzerland University Hospital Basal Basel
Switzerland Inselspital Bern Bern
Switzerland Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois- CHUV Lausanne
Switzerland CRIC - Centre Romand d’IRM Cardiovasculaire, Epalinges Lausanne
Switzerland Cardiocentro Lugano Lugano
Switzerland Cantonal Hospital Olten, Solothurner Spitäler AG Olten
Switzerland Kinderspital Zürich Zürich
Switzerland University Hospital Zürich Zürich
Turkey Department of Radiology, Ataturk University  Erzurum
Turkey Department of Radiology, Yeditepe University   Istanbul
UK University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust  Birmingham
UK University Hospitals Bristol & Clinical Research and Imaging Centre  Bristol
UK Darlington memorial hospital, Darlington MRI centre   Darlington
UK Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust  Exeter
UK BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre  Glasgow
UK CMR research group, University of Leeds  Leeds
UK Leicester NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit  Leicester
UK Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital  Liverpool
UK Centre for Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging, London Chest Hospital & William Harvey Research Institute London  London
UK CMR Unit of the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS FoundationTrust and NHLI  London
UK Great Ormand Street Hospital for Children, NHS Foundation Trust  London
UK Kings College London - The Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering  London
UK University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - The Heart Hospital Imaging Centre  London
UK Guy's and St.Thomay Hospital - Pediatric Cardiology  London
UK Manchester Heart Centre, Manchester Royal Infirmary  Manchester
UK University Hospital South Manchester, Wythenshawe hospital  Manchester
UK Nottingham University Hospital, Trent Cardiac Centre Nottingham
UK Oxford Centre for CMR, John Radcliffe Hospital  Oxford
UK Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust  Southampton