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Pocket Size Ultrasound Devices Course (ESCeL)

The initiative "Pocket Size Ultrasound Devices" is composed of several courses which introduce the principles of cardiac ultrasound, explain echocardiographic image interpretation and cover relevant cardiologic topics from the daily routine of a non-cardiologist.


Pocket Size Ultrasound Devices

The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) recommends specific training and certification for all users of pocket size ultrasound devices.

The initiative "Pocket Size Ultrasound Devices" is composed of several courses which introduce the principles of cardiac ultrasound, explain echocardiographic image interpretation and cover relevant cardiologic topics from the daily routine of a non-cardiologist.

The Course in available on ESC eLearning platform (ESCeL).
Courses include an instructional lecture with illustrating figures and movies, references for further reading, multiple choice questions for self-assessment and teaching cases.

EACVI Certification can be obtained by the completion of the self-assessment questions as well as a by submitting a proof of successful hands-on training in a hospital echo department.

Targeted audience:

All users of pocket size ultrasound devices with the exception of cardiologists who are certified for transthoracic echocardiography according to national legislation. 

How to access the Courses

  1. You have to be a Silver or Gold member of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI)
  2.  Access the course now

Join now

How to obtain your certification?

The EACVI offers certification about the completion of this dedicated teaching and training programme for pocket size ultrasound devices if the self-assessment of all courses has been completed successfully by the candidate and if the candidate can provide a proof of practical skills. 

Self-assessment with Multiple choice questions.
Multiple choice questions in the format "best possible answer out of five choices" will be asked at the end of all chapters. A pass mark of 70% per chapter is required to successfully complete each module. Multiple attempts are allowed, i.e. you can repeat the test to increase your percentage of correct answers. The programme supports your learning efforts by changing questions and explaining the answers.

Hands-on training.
For this, the candidate chooses an experienced echocardiographer who is affiliated with a hospital echo lab. This person must apply in writing to the EACVI to act as supervisor for the candidate. After the hands-on training, the candidate submits a written statement of the supervisor certifying that the candidate has achieved basic skills, such as imaging the heart from an parasternal and apical window. Upon acceptance of the two documents by the EACVI, the hand-on training is completed.

The trainee will receive a unique completion code which must be entered into the online system. Then, the candidate will be able to download his/her personal certificate from the education platform.