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EACVI Board 2024-2026 Election

Five candidates waiting for job interviews, front view, crop


Apply for the EACVI Board 2024-2026


Date Election action
15 July Membership voting rights close
26 July – 18 August Call for candidates. Deadline: 18 August 23:59 CEST
9-13 September Interview of the candidates for the President-Elect position (via video conference)
30 September Selection of final candidates by Nominating Committee 
9 October Nomination sent to candidates and public announcement of selected candidates
15 October – 15 November E-voting
11 December Results announced at the inaugural session of EuroEcho-Imaging 2024 and on the web page 

Key internal governance rules

  • Only EACVI Silver Members and FEACVI working in one of the ESC member countries may stand for Board positions.
  • There can be no re-election to the same position except for the position of Councillor, for which the candidate may stand for one more term.
  • Candidates for the position of President-Elect must have served the current or one of the preceding Boards as voting member of the Board.
  • Candidates for the position of Secretary and Treasurer must have served the current or one of the preceding Boards.

Open positions

Click on the position to view the job description.

Voting rights

  • Only EACVI Silver Members and FEACVI working in one of the ESC member countries have voting rights at the EACVI General Assembly or within the association.
  • A member is considered eligible for voting only if he/she is a member already at the time of the candidates' announcement.
