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ACNAP General Assembly 2020

Message from Tina Hansen, President 2018-2020


"I am pleased to present the activity report from 2018-2020 as the first President of the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP).

In 2018 we changed the status from an ESC council to an ESC association. This transition has been a significant game changer representing many challenges. We have also been given a lot of opportunities for nurses and allied professionals in cardiology and received tremendous support both outside and at different levels inside of the ESC.

Among our first strategic objectives, we have ensured a better integration of allied professionals in the ESC, we introduced governance principles, we set up and run the first ACNAP Board elections to allow eligible member to vote for executive Board officers for term 2020-22.

We have reached many milestones during the last two years which was possible thanks to the valuable contribution of our active volunteers in ACNAP projects, in ACNAP Committees. I want to thank each of the current Board members for their support, their ideas without whom that would not be possible

We are always pleased to welcome new contributors to our ACNAP projects and Committees so please feel free to contact me and the incoming President for term 2020-22, Lis Neubeck."


Associate Prof. Tina Birgitte Hansen, MSc, PhD, FESC ACNAP President 2018 - 2020

Activity Report 2018-2020

This report has been prepared by the ACNAP President and Board Members 2018-2020 to provide the ACNAP community an overview of:
- Significant achievements during the first two years of ACNAP
- Key activities for those who are not familiar with the association

Activity Report 2018-2020

Should you need any further information, we invite you to contact the ACNAP Secretariat at .

Executive Board elections results 2020

Discover the elected candidates

 Message from Lis Neubeck, incoming President 2020-2022

Liz Neubeck 2 (1).jpg"I am a cardiac nurse with over 25 years of experience in a range of cardiac in-patient and out-patient settings. I’m originally from Edinburgh in Scotland, but spent 8 years in London, and 11 years in Sydney Australia. It was in Australia that I moved from a clinical cardiac rehabilitation role to research and academia, and undertook a PhD entitled ‘Increasing Access to Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.’Since then, much of my research is about how to support people to self-manage using technology, and detection and management of Atrial Fibrillation.

In 2016, I returned to Scotland and became Professor of Nursing and Head of Cardiovascular Health in the School of Health and Social Care at Edinburgh Napier University. I had been involved in the programme committee for EuroHeartCare for a couple of years prior to my return, and this inspired me to want to do more to work with what was then the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions. Becoming Treasurer of the Council was a great opportunity. It also enabled me to work closely with my colleagues, Donna Fitzsimons, Ekaterini Lambrinou, Catriona Jennings, and Tina Hansen, to develop the business case for the Council to become the seventh Association of the ESC. The business case was approved by the board of the ESC, and Dr Tina Hansen become the first President of the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions in August 2018.

I am truly honoured, challenged, and excited about becoming the ACNAP President for the term of 2020-22. I follow in the footsteps of exceptional leaders in the field, and I am conscious of the responsibility of delivering a range of high calibre offerings to support cardiovascular health professionals globally.We have already made great progress on our initial aims for ACNAP.

During my tenure, I will focus on maintaining the quality of the existing offers and increasing opportunities for new members to become active participants in ACNAP.

My ‘roadmap’ for the next 2 years will strategically align with the pillars of ESC, Advocacy, Congress, Research, Education and Membership, mindful of the digital transformation we have all experienced as a result of COVID-19, and opportunities to work globally to improve cardiovascular health. By focussing on these areas, building on what we have achieved so far, my aim is to increase recognition of the importance of nurses and allied professionals in the cardiovascular community. We have formed an advocacy committee, to support global policy on cardiovascular health, and highlighting the specific remit of our association.

Our redesign of the EuroHeartCare Congress means that the 2021 Congress will be the largest and most diverse meeting we have held. We have arranged more presentations, outstanding speakers, a diverse programme, translated sessions, networking and social opportunities. Our research programmes will continue to grow.

I am keen to build on our current success by ensuring that the research we do is driven by the needs of our community. I want to support talented new researchers by working with the ACNAP YoCo to help develop and support research ideas.

One key aim for 2020-22 will be our work on certification for the ACNAP community. Our surveys of the ACNAP community indicate that there is a strong desire for harmonisation of cardiovascular nursing and allied professional roles across Europe. Our textbook on Cardiovascular Nursing, due to be released in 2021, will support our delivery of this goal. Once we have achieved this priority action, we will begin work on supporting advance practice roles.

Finally, ACNAP will remain an association that is here to support its members. I will continue to ensure that the membership offers directly support the needs of our members. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this and more with you all, and thank you for the opportunity to work with you as your President 2020-22."


Professor Lis Neubeck, PhD, BA (Hons), RN, FESC ACNAP President 2020- 2022