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Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac Disease III (ROPAC III)

Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease

What is the ROPAC III Registry?

Heart beat graph of a pregnant woman.Our current knowledge of the risks of pregnancy and delivery in patients with heart disease is limited. To be able to practice to the standard demanded by an “Evidence-Based Medicine” approach, it is imperative that we establish a large prospective registry. The information provided by the registry will enable us to give accurate evidence-based advice to optimise the care that this group of women receive during pregnancy.

The EORP ROPAC registry is a study of pregnancy in women with structural heart disease, that started in 2007.

A detailed overview of the data from 5,739 pregnant women enrolled during ROPAC II have been analysed and will be published in the European Heart Journal soon.

Jolien and Roger Hall created the registry together and have been co-chairs since the beginning.

ROPAC III is now focused only on pregnant patients with two types of cardiac condition:

  • Prosthetic valves (tissue or mechanical).
  • Aortic pathology or genetic conditions known to be associated with aortic pathologies.

This study is purely observational. That means that you will be asked to treat your patient(s) as you usually do. There is no study requirement regarding handling of patients. This is data collection only.

Who can join?

All cardiologists worldwide - who look after pregnant patient(s) with prosthetic valves or who have been diagnosed with, or are at risk of, aortic pathologies - are very welcome to join!

Why should I join?

Join us and participate in the continuous improvement of science and medicine!

The main objectives of the registry are to:

  • Determine the range of structural heart disease in pregnant patients and its management including the medication used before/during pregnancy, the interventions required as well as a the mode of delivery.
  • Assess maternal and foetal mortality and morbidity.
  • Assess changes in maternal cardiac function as a consequence of pregnancy, using echocardiography.
  • Assess medical resource utilisation (caesarean section, epidural anaesthesia) and its impact on outcome in different countries.
  • Assess the results and complication rate of interventions performed during pregnancy.
  • Test the value of the existing risk model on pregnancy outcome in patients with heart disease.
  • Compare different types of anticoagulant therapy strategies used during pregnancy

The registry will result in the publication of one main paper (answering the objectives above) and several sub-papers for which you can propose your idea(s) if you took part in the registry!

What will I have to do?

You will have to obtain the appropriate approval(s)/authorisation(s) to conduct the study in your country.

Once this is obtained, you may propose to enrol in the registry all consecutive patients who meet the inclusion criteria during the enrolment period.

If they agree to participate and sign the Patient Informed Consent form, you can perform data collection in the eCRF!

How can I join?

You just need to contact us through the EORP contact form. To participate or for more information:

Contact us

Executive Committee of the Registry

roos-jolien-2014.jpgRoger Hall



Jolien Roos-Hesselink, Co-Chairman of the registry, NL
Roger Hall, Co-Chairman of the registry, UK

William Parsonage, AUS
Werner Budts, BE
Julie de Backer, BE
Jasmin Grewal, CA
Ariane Marelli, CA
Guillaume Jondeau, FR
Mark Johnson, UK
Catherine Otto, USA
Karen Sliwa, ZA
Aldo Maggioni, IT
Luigi Tavazzi, IT