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Heart Failure Registry

A 'General' registry

Heart Failure

Heart Failure registry publications



Objectives and characteristics of the study

The primary objective of the Heart Failure Registry is to describe the clinical epidemiology of outpatients and inpatients with Heart Failure and the diagnostic/therapeutic processes (including the organization of Heart Failure management programmes) applied to these patients across Europe and Mediterranean countries.


To describe the demographic, clinical, and biological characteristics of outpatients and inpatients with Heart Failure (HF) followed by a representative setting of cardiology centres.

Specific attention will be focused on:

  • Describe the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches undertaken in the routine practice of cardiologists in following outpatients with chronic HF or during the hospital phase for acute HF.Assess the in-hospital and out-of-hospital outcomes of patients with HF and to validate the prognostic predictors of these outcomes.
    • on patients with preserved Ejection Fraction, whose heterogeneity in trials and in observational studies needs to be better understood.
    • on clinically relevant co-morbidities, such as COPD and diabetes mellitus, which frequently are associated with HF and impact patient outcomes.
  • Evaluate the organization of HF management across  countries.
  • Evaluate how recommendations of most recent European guidelines regarding pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are adopted in clinical practice and how their application can impact on patients' outcomes.
  • Evaluate the prevalence of the clinical profiles of patients with acute HF, according to the definitions proposed by the European Society of Cardiology, and to investigate their appropriateness in characterizing patients with different clinical presentations and needs.


More than 30 countries are taking part in this registry, which was launched in May 2011.

The aim of enrolling approximately 10,000 patients during the first year has been achieved.

Prior to the deployment of the long-term registry a pilot registry was conducted, between October 2009 and May 2010, with a one-year follow-up. This pilot study was specifically aimed at validating the structure, performance, and quality of the data set, for continuing the survey into a permanent registry.
12 countries enrolled 5118 patients in this pilot, of which the first results were presented at the ESC Congress 2010.

If you are already registered as a participant in the EORP programme, you may connect to our secure website:

Study Organisation

Maria Leiro Crespo
Marisa Crespo-Leiro

Executive Committee

Executive Committee, Phase II (since 2013)

Marisa Crespo Leiro (Chair)
Alexandre Mebazaa
Massimo Piepoli
Stefan Anker
Gerasimos Filippatos
Aldo Maggioni

Executive Committee, Phase 1 (2011-2013)

Aldo Maggioni (Chairman)
Stefan Anker
Ulf Dahlström
Gerasimos Filippatos
Luigi Tavazzi
Piotr Ponikowzki
Faiez Zannad

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is composed of one National Coordinator per participating country. The National Societies are responsible for the selection of the national coordinators and participating centres.

Steering Committee members

Friedrich Fruhwald (AT)
Emir Fazlibegovic (BA)
Plamen Gatzov (BG)
Davor Milicic (HR)
Theodoros Christodoulides (CY)
Jaromir Hradec (CZ)
Tiina Uuetoa (EE)
Mahmoud Hassanein (EG)
Damien Logeart, Richard Isnard (FR)
Vakhtang Chumburidze (GE)
Dimitris Tousoulis (GR)
Béla Merkely (HU)
Offer Amir (IL)
Marco Metra (IT)
Andrejs Erglis (LV)
Ausra Kavoliuniene (LT)
Elizabeta Srbinovska, Magdalena Otljanska (MK)
Eleonora Vataman (MD)
Jaroslaw Drozdz (PL)
Candida Fonseca (PT)
Ovidiu Chioncel (RO)
Evgeny Shkolnik (RU)
Milica Dekleva (RS)
Eva Goncalvesova (SK)
Mitja Lainscak (SI)
Juan Delgado Jimenez (SP)
Ulf Dahlström (SE)
Ahmet Temizhan (TR)

Heart Failure Pilot Committees

Executive Committee

Aldo Maggioni (Chairman)
Ulf Dahlström
Gerasimos Filippatos
Luigi Tavazzi
Faiez Zannad

Steering Committee

Friedrich Fruhwald (AT)
Mathias Rauchhaus (DE)
Olav Wendelboe Nielsen (DK)
Marisa Crespo-Leiro (ES)
Damien Logeart (FR)
John T. Parissis (GR)
Marco Metra (IT)
Adrian A. Voors (NL)
Lars Gullestad (NO)
Jaroslaw Drozdz (PL)
Ovidiu Chioncel (RO)
Hans Persson (SE)

View all ongoing ESC Registries