2024-2025 Mobility Travel Grant
The objective of the MTG is to strengthen relations between research institutions of different European countries. For this, a €2,500 grant will be attributed to maximum two members of the Working Group per year to cover travel and accommodation costs to work for a minimal period of one month in an institution from a different European country.
Eligibility criteria
Candidates must be active in the area of coronary pathophysiology and microcirculation, either in the experimental or clinical field, and the research project should fit the objectives of the Working Group.
At the time of the application deadline, candidates must be no older than 40 and must be accepted members of the Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology & Microcirculation for at least three months before the call is launched. Previous MTG recipients are not eligible.
Candidates should move into a host laboratory different from their current laboratory. Current institution and host institution must be located in ESC member countries.
- Monday, 9 September 2024: Call for applications to be submitted via a dedicated web platform, announced via the Working Group’s October newsletter.
- Monday, 9 December 2024 (23:59 CEST): Deadline for applications.
- 3 March 2025: Awardees names are announced and published on the ESC website.
- By end of March 2025: Selected applicants must have confirmed acceptance of the grant (the actual exchange must be undertaken within the 12 following months).
Application process
Candidates must complete the online application form, including:
- Information on candidate activity in the area of cardiovascular sciences (300 words)
- Details of candidate project (300 words)
- A statement on how candidate intends to use the MTG (300 words)
- A statement that, if candidate does not use the MTG within 12 months after the official awarding date, she/he will be considered to have refused the MTG and no payment will be made
And provide the following supporting documents:
- A one-page curriculum vitae and a list of publications
- A letter of support from the host institution
- A letter of support from the current institution
- All information and supporting PDF documents requested in the application form are mandatory.
- Only applications in the English language will be accepted.
Review process
Selection will be made by a review panel – with mixed expertise – formed of the WG Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Past Chairperson, and two other Nucleus members (5 Nucleus members in total). Review panel members must notify a conflict of interest if the applicant is from their own Institution or if the own Institution intends to host an applicant. In both cases, panel members will not be allowed to score these applications.
The WG Past Chairperson acts as MTG coordinator and is responsible for checking the eligibility of the applicants (age, membership, letters, etc.). The MTG coordinator will also give instructions to the reviewing members regarding the grading.
Grading will be based on four criteria:
- suitability/appropriateness and quality (CV-based) of the candidate
- scientific value of the proposed visit and value for the candidate’s future research career
- quality and suitability of host laboratory
- value for the Working Group's objectives
Payment of the Mobility Grant
The first payment, amounting to 60% of the MTG, will be made prior to the visit to the host Institution upon receipt of a confirmation letter from the host institution including the dates of the exchange and accommodation/travel receipt, sent to the Grants Officer sallo@escardio.org, copy workinggroups@escardio.org. The remaining 40% will be paid once the final report (1-2 pages), signed by the director of the host institution, is sent to the Grants Officer sallo@escardio.org, copy workinggroups@escardio.org.
Previous editions
Previous Mobility Travel Grants (MTG) were offered to:
- Assist. Prof. Alexandr Ceasovschih (2021-2022) Read the report
- Dr Stefan Simovic (2020-2021)
- Miss Ana Vavlukis (2019-2020) Read the report
- Mrs. Alina Scarlatescu (2018-2019) Read the report
Testimonial from Miss Ana Vavlukis
As a young and eager researcher, I have always wanted to broaden my research interests. After drafting my PhD project, I came to realise that one of the crucial steps in the proteomic analysis of LDL-C/non-HDL-C is isolation of the blood lipoproteins, with a methodology that is not yet developed in my country. As a result, I started looking for a place where I could do my separation/isolation and learn the technique enough to transfer and apply back home.
Being acquainted with the work of Prof. Dr. Lina Badimon and the Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and their expertise in the field of proteomics, I decided to find a way to visit the institution and learn from experts.
My membership in the ESC Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology & Microcirculation led me to the Mobility Travel Grant, which I saw as a unique opportunity to fulfil my research targets. Given that young students like myself have limited resources and funds, I could not wait to apply and get a step closer to my study goals.