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ESC Research at ESC Congress

Find out more about ESC Atlas

Atlas picture.jpgDiscover the reality of cardiovascular disease in Europe

The ESC Atlas of Cardiology represents a unique compendium of data on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), risk factors, outcomes, health infrastructure and service provision across the 57 ESC member countries.

Do you know the prevalence of smoking in women?  Do you know how many hospitals implant ICDs? Do you know the percentage of premature deaths in Europe?  Meet the ESC Atlas team at the ESC Stand to answer these questions and much more. 

Ask for a demo

Demo covering heart failure, interventional cardiology and general cardiology

Join us at the Atlas session

Pursuing Health Equity: how to close gaps in health care disparities

Monday 2 September at 15.45 at the ESC Plaza

Chairs: Maddalena Lettino, Adam Timmis

  • Using the ESC Atlas to communicate realities to the decision makers and healthcare system organizations – Panos Vardas, Greece
  • Innovation and patient accessibility to treatments of cardiovascular diseases: major challenges – Liesl Zuhlke, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Wealth and cardiovascular healthcare disparities across Europe: the role of health economics to improve patient outcome – Aleksandra Torbica, Italy

Find out more about EU Research Funding

Learn about cardiovascular research funding opportunities

    Come and discover open calls to fund your collaborative research work. 

Horizon 2020 has published its revised work programme with new calls focusing on digital health, personalized medicine, artificial intelligence and other research topics.

    Meet the ESC Advocacy team at the EU Research Funding Stand

Learn how to navigate the EU’s portal to discover these research funding opportunities. You can also discuss ESC’s involvement in project consortia, discover ongoing EU funded projects and get advice on how to prepare your proposal.

Joins us and network with key research funding institutions

Don’t miss the EU funding session on Monday 2 September at 10:05 in the Global Exchange on ESC Plaza.

Research funding 360: supporting research and researchers in Europe and worldwide

Chaired by the European Commission’s DG of Research, this session will present calls for Autumn 2019 and 2020 as well as offering opportunities for networking with different funding institutions.