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ESC Involvement in EU Project Proposals

The ESC welcomes requests for participation in EU funded projects.

Requests for ESC involvement in EU funded project proposals

Requestors must fill out the ESC EU Project Request Form and submit it to, along with a signed letter of support from any ESC Committee, ESC Association, ESC Council or ESC Working Group associated with the project proposal, respecting the following timelines:

  • 16 weeks before the call’s deadline for projects where ESC is the coordinator
  • 12 weeks before the call’s deadline for projects where ESC is a partner

Download the ESC EU Project Request Form

ESC internal assessment

All submitted proposal forms are reviewed to ensure completion and adherence to established timelines before they are sent for review and assessment. Proposals submitted past the above-mentioned deadlines will not be considered.

Proposals must show:

  • project coherence and relevance to the needs and priorities of the ESC
  • experience of the applicants in the activities proposed and support (including institutional) to implement the project
  • feasibility and sustainability of the suggested activities and measures
  • scientific relevance and value of the project

The ESC aims to review, evaluate, and inform applicants of decisions within six weeks.