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ESC Basic Research Fellowship


The application period for the ESC Basic Research Fellowship Programme is now closed.


What is the grant for?

The ESC Basic Research Fellowship is designed to allow a researcher to spend one year in a European research laboratory.

It is open to basic scientists as well as clinical scientists and preferentially seeks to award support for preclinical research projects. One fellowship per year will be awarded to the successful candidate.

The laboratory and topic are chosen by the candidate. To be eligible, the current laboratory of the applicant must be different from the host laboratory and it is unlikely that candidates planning to return to a laboratory where they have spent time previously will be successful, except in exceptional cases.

Preference will be given to those for whom the award will enable the fellow to learn novel techniques valuable for their future career.

This fellowship is open to candidates of all nationalities.

Basic rules

•    1 fellowship is awarded per calendar year
•    candidates accept to be interviewed via Skype
•    awardees accept to present their work related to the fellowship at the next basic science meeting "Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine"

Criteria for eligibility

•    Candidates should move in a host laboratory in Europe different from their current laboratory
•    Candidates should not be older than 40 (forty) years at the time of the application deadline
•    Candidates must have activity in the area of cardiovascular sciences
•    Candidates must be members of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science*

How to apply

Please read the disclaimer on Personal Data Privacy before applying.

At the time of application, formal eligibility criteria will be checked.

If you are not eligible, the Basic Research Fellowship application form will not be visible.

Before completing the e-form, prepare your pdf application file as you will have to attach it to your online application form.
The pdf application file you will attach to your online application form should consist of a bio-sketch of:

•    Your letter [maximum two pages] of motivation including: 
o    your birth date
o    information on your activity in the area of cardiovascular sciences
o    details of your project: aim(s), methods used and expected results
o    a statement on how you intend to use the award (budget forecast)
o    a statement that, if you do not use the grant within 9 months, you will return it to the ESC.
•    A one-page CV with a publication list
•    A letter of acceptance by the host institution
•    A letter of support from your current institution
•    A written commitment to present your work related to the fellowship at the next scientific meeting "Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine".
*The Council is composed of representatives from the ESC Working Groups and Sister Societies. 

Personal Data Privacy

The information collected is subject to data processing to record, evaluate and track your grant application.

The recipients of the data are ESC Staff who process the forms as well as the staff in charge of paying the grant monies.

Data collected will be kept for one year.

These data will be stored in Salesforce.

In accordance with the chapter 3 of the European Regulation 2016/679 with regards to data protection, you have the right to request from ESC, access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data or restriction of processing concerning your data or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability.

For such, please contact us (be aware that a proof of identity will be requested during the process via a secure web link).

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, and for information, ESC has appointed a Data Protection Officer that you can reach by email.

Former Awardees Testimonials

"The ESC Basic Research Fellowship provided me with a unique opportunity to spend an insightful research stay at Karolinska Institutet exploring the applications of cutting-edge spatial transcriptomics under the expert guidance of Edurado Villablanca's research group. This enriching experience allowed me to closely follow the strategic planning and execution of two distinct spatial transcriptomic experiments employing diverse technologies and granted me firsthand training in the implementation of multiplexed spatial proteomics. Moreover, I was invited to collaborate in an ongoing research project and contribute to the establishment of experimental protocols for the evaluation of tissue damage and regeneration, which led to a productive mutual exchange of knowledge. I am immensely thankful to the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science for affording young scientists like myself an invaluable chance to enhance our scientific skills and forge new scientific connections".

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 Myra N. Chavez Rosas - 2022



"The ESC Basic Research Fellowship was a turning point in the development of my project. It enabled me to establish state-of-the-art 3D cellular models of the familial cardiomyopathy syndrome currently under study. I was hosted in Prof. Eschehnhagen's laboratory in Hamburg where I could apply such technology to the iPSCs-derived model already generated in my home Institution. This experience deeply impacted on my knowledge, on the results of the projects and offered the opportunity to start collaborations that will definitely be crucial in my future career".

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Ilaria MY - 2021


"The ESC Fellowship enabled me to move abroad to expand my technical skills and knowledge in a prestigious research institute. This has maximised my career development, progressing my status as an independent researcher and leading to my acquisition of additional personal research grants." 

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   Molly O'Reilly  - 2020


"Receiving the ESC Basic Science Fellowship represents a key milestone in my career, which provided me a great opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research at one of the most reputable research labs in Europe. This has, beyond the shadow of a doubt, enriched and strengthened my collaborations with my host and will have a long-lasting impact on my career. Therefore, I could not emphasise more what a game-changing role this fellowship can play in the life of an early-career researcher."

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  Mahmoud Abdellatif - 2019


"The ESC Basic Research Fellowship gave me the opportunity to join Prof. Florian Leuschner’s research group at the University of Heidelberg. The fellowship allowed me to form new collaborations and learn new techniques to study inflammatory cell mechanisms in myocardial infarction (MI). I was able to advance my knowledge on how the cardiac microenvironment changes monocyte-macrophage properties after MI and how we can develop therapeutic strategies favoring cardiac healing. I am grateful to the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science for this fellowship and support in this line of work."


  Jyoti Patel - 2017


"It was a great honour to receive the Basic Research Fellowship 2016 by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). The Fellowship offered me the unique opportunity to join Prof. Ziad Mallat’s group at the University of Cambridge. The Fellowship allowed me to advance my knowledge and acquire additional lab skills in the field of cardiovascular research. I feel particularly grateful to ESC for the great support they provide to young scientists and I strongly recommend that other researchers apply for the ESC Basic Research Fellowship."

Dimitrios Tsiantoulas - 2016

"The Basic Research Fellowship allowed me to learn and apply state-of-the-art proteomic methods to the study of heart failure progression and strengthened an international collaboration with the lab of Prof. Dr. Albert Heck at Utrecht University in Utrecht, The Netherlands. This research has led to the development of a novel methodology, generated new molecular insights, and advanced our understanding of this common medical condition. It has also given me a unique international research experience and broadened my personal horizon. I am both honored and grateful to the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science for this fellowship and for its investment in young scientists."

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David Chiang - 2014