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How can I use CardioScape?

europe.jpgIf you’re a scientist, a funding agency or a policy maker, you need to know what is happening in cardiovascular research to make informed decisions. Are there potential partners for my work in Europe? Are there urgent funding needs? CardioScape has the answers. 

Answering the who, what and where in research funding across Europe

CardioScape provides a reliable, comprehensive and up-to-date online database of CVD funding throughout Europe that can be used by researchers, scientific organizations and funding agencies. By encouraging synergies and cooperation, reducing duplication of efforts and identifying gaps and priorities for funding organisations, the future of CVD research in Europe just became clearer.

Access the CardioScape database

CardioScape objectives

  • Map the research activities and funding for CV research, both public and private, at national and European level
  • Assess and identify gaps, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in European CV research by expert analysis
  • Summarise existing research and funding landscape for current state-of-the-art CV research
  • Develop and draft a final report to outline proposed recommendations and strategy for CV research in Europe
  • Disseminate effectively to the CV research community, the various stakeholders and the wider public the project results

“CardioScape should help encourage future collaboration between researchers, avoid duplication and assist funders to make informed decisions about where to invest their funds. Ultimately, CardioScape should ensure that every Euro is efficiently invested to serve science and patients, and also to significantly contribute to a healthier and more productive European society.”  Profs. David Wood and Frans Van de Werf.

Read their Editorial in Cardiovascular Research

What the CardioScape database can do

Scientists and researchers

Researchers can identify potential partners for their work in Europe, can explore whether similar research projects are already funded by any other agency in Europe, and can investigate the typical amounts of funding for similar projects. This is essential for ensuring increased impact of European Science.

Funding agencies

Funding agencies can share their funding decisions and project monitoring processes with other funding bodies across Europe. CardioScape can answer questions on underfunded areas, emerging trends and study novelty. Sharing of best practice in these areas would be benefit return on investments and increase the likelihood of high impact research results. 

Policy makers

Policymakers can examine regional funding gradients and the dynamics of CV funding. As well as detecting urgent funding needs and gaps, CardioScape can also  show how CV-funding compares with other NCD’s.


EU funding 

CardioScape is funded by ERA-CVD, a European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) made up of 24 partners from 19 countries/regions that has, in turn, received funding through the current EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ‘Horizon 2020’.

CardioScape does not include EU funding mechanisms – find out more about EU funding for your project.