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e-Journal of Cardiology Practice - Call for Authors

The ESC Council of Cardiology Practice sends out a weekly electronic journal to more than 40,000 subscribers.

For over 16 years, this e-journal has been providing cardiovascular professionals with topics of particular interest and practical relevance.

The editors of the e-Journal are currently preparing a special series on the following topics:

  • Pollution as a risk factor for heart disease
  • Climate change as a risk factor for heart disease

Will you contribute?

Each selected author will be asked to concentrate on either:

  • Pollution as a risk factor for heart disease


  • Climate change as a risk factor for heart disease


If you have relevant experience in the above topics and would like to participate, please provide us with a summary of no more than 100 words on only one of the topics above, no later than 19 April 2022.

All submissions should be sent to

Your summary should be in a Word document. In addition, please include:

  • Your full name
  • Medical title and professional affiliation
  • A brief statement concerning your own work experience and why you have chosen this subtopic

If your summary is selected, you’ll be invited by the e-Journal to submit a more developed draft of your proposed article.

Find out more about the e-Journal of Cardiology Practice.

We look forward to receiving your contribution!

ESC Council for Cardiology Practice