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Call for Participation in 2027 ESC Guideline Task Forces

The ESC is currently looking for qualified experts to join the 2027 ESC Guideline Task Forces on: 

  • Syncope
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Acute coronary syndromes
  • Obesity and cardiovascular disease


The development process of the ESC Guidelines includes writing and multiple rounds of voting and review and takes approximately 24 months. Participants are required to be fully committed to their Task Force and to comply with ESC procedures and timelines.

Candidates must have demonstrated expertise as well as clinical and academic experience in the related field.

Application process

If you are interested in joining one of the 2027 ESC Guideline Task Forces, please complete the application form and upload your CV by Saturday, 1 March. Upon submission, if not already on file, you will be asked to fill out your Declaration of Interest (DOI) to facilitate the application review process (see below).

All applications will be reviewed and considered by the ESC. Candidates may also be invited to serve as Guideline reviewers.

Apply here


All 2027 Guidelines authors will be required to comply with the ESC Declaration and Management of Conflict of Interest Policy and can participate in a limited number of task forces in their lifetime.

Declaration of Interests

The following relations with a healthcare company during the year before the beginning of the activity and until publication, will result in the exclusion of a member from ESC Guidelines activities:

  • Receipt of more than EUR 10,000 in personal payments, direct or indirect per annum in aggregate, applicable to member and spouse income. Indirect payments are intended as payments to a department or an institution or any other body which impact a member’s (or his/her spouse) remuneration.
  • Receipt of direct remuneration or support for the development of a guideline.

The following relations with a healthcare company during the year before the beginning of the activity and until publication, may lead to possible restrictions or exclusion of a member from ESC Guidelines activities:

  • Employment (even part-time).
  • Having substantial stock ownership.
  • Holding a patent or an intellectual property which generates substantial revenues.

Limit on participation in ESC Guidelines Task Forces

From 2008, individuals may hold a Task Force position up to five times in their lifetime – across all ESC Guidelines titles – and may serve as a Task Force member on the same ESC Guidelines title up to two consecutive times.

Task Force chairpersons may hold the position up to two times regardless of the ESC Guidelines titles.