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Live Events Endorsement

ESC Policy for Endorsement of Live Educational Events

ESC and subspecialty endorsements constitute official recognition by the ESC of the high quality of educational programmes and their compliance with ESC endorsement criteria.

The ESC Education Committee considers requests for endorsement of in-person and/or online live educational events (meetings/courses/congresses).
The application review is performed according to ESC endorsement criteria.

Webinars (online events of 1 hour or less), university courses or courses including sessions held at non-consecutive dates are not included in the ESC Endorsement Policy for in-person and/or online events.


Want to request an endorsement for your event?

Step 1: Consult the endorsement policy and check whether your live event is eligible

  ESC Policy for Endorsement of Live Events (PDF)

Essential criteria for a successful endorsement

  1. Clear and visible references to ESC Guidelines and/or ESC constituent bodies consensus documents in the event programme.
  2. Mono-sponsored events are not endorsable 

Step 2: Complete the application form and submit it online – no later than three months before the date of your event

Apply now

Step 3: Your application will be reviewed and you will receive a notification within one month.

Step 4: If your application is accepted, an endorsement contract will be sent to you.

Please note that endorsement may be granted or withheld at the ESC's sole and absolute discretion.

For any enquiry, please consult the FAQ or contact us.

Upcoming Endorsed Live Events