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Report of the Council on Stroke Board meeting @ ESC Congress 2019

During the ESC Congress in Paris, the nucleus and board met to discuss past, current and future activities of the Council. These activities include Council webinars, upcoming publications (e.g. there will be a special issue on Stroke in the European Heart Supplement), ongoing clinical trials, like the STEEER-AF, an initiative for collaboration with national Heart and Stroke Groups.

STEEER-AF (Stroke prevention and rhythm control therapy: evaluation of an educational programme of the European Society of Cardiology in a cluster-randomized trial in patients with atrial fibrillation) is a project initiated by the ESC education committee with participation of the Council on Stroke and EHRA. It aims to include 1750 patients in 6 European countries with atrial fibrillation and assess the impact of an evidence-based educational intervention on outcome in these patients. Dr. Isabelle van Gelder is representing the Council in this project.

During the board meetings, Dr. Halliday informed about the Council’s initiative to identify a community of clinicians and scientists with interest in Heart and Stroke for further collaboration on a national level. So far, over 20 countries answered to this initiative and the next step will be to establish closer links between the Council and these communities and explore possible ways of collaboration.

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Council on Stroke Nucleus members. From left to right: Mikael mazighi, Wolfram Doehner, Isabelle van Gelder, Petr Widimsky, Alison Halliday, Jan Kovac and Markus Schwerzmann