The session was well attended and the vivid discussion of each presentation showed the strong interest among cardiologists in all topics related to stroke. The program of this session included:
- Acute management of myocardial infarction and stroke – point in common and differences. Marc RIBO (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hypertension in acute stroke and in stroke prevention – Thomas KAHAN (Stockholm, Sweden)
- More than atrial fibrillation - Atrial cardiopathy as an emerging risk factor. Marta RUBIERA (Barcelona, Spain)
- Cardiac rhythm monitoring after stroke: current standards - Robert HATALA (Bratislava, Slovakia)
This session was embedded in the stroke track of the ESC Conference that also covered with symposia, case based sessions, abstract sessions and moderated posters a wide range of topics of prevention, diagnostics, treatment and secondary prevention of stroke.
Aacess the slides online on ESC 365.
A more comprehensive program on stroke and all topics relating to cardiovascular interactions with stroke will be presented during the interdisciplinary Conference ESC Heart & Stroke in January 2020 in Barcelona.