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World Hypertension Day

17 May 2024: "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer"

The important World Hypertension Day was first held on 14 May 2005, and has since become an ever-expanding yearly event.

The ESC Council on Hypertension has been working on several activities to raise awareness of this widespread cardiovascular disease.


Raised blood pressure (BP) is the biggest single contributing risk factor to altered global health ( WHO 2023), being  one of the world’s leading risk factors for death and disability. The number of people living with hypertension doubled between 1990 and 2019, from 650 million to 1.3 billion, with the global age-standardised prevalence of hypertension in adults being 32% in women and 34% in men in 2019. This common, deadly condition is an important public health problem that leads to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney damage and many other health problems. In particular, high systolic blood pressure was the single most important risk factor for early death worldwide, leading to an estimated 10.8 million avoidable deaths every year, and a burden of 235 million years of life lost or lived with a disability annually. High BP has enormous economic costs for patients and their families, health systems and national economies.

World Hypertension Day is aimed at raising attention on the importance of a better hypertension control. Its purpose is to communicate to the public the importance of hypertension and its serious medical complications, and to provide information on its prevention, detection, and management.  It is also aimed at reducing physicians’ inertia in this context, to improve hypertension control rates.

The Council on Hypertension of the ESC  is actively involved in 2024 WHD activities, by providing information and dedicated resources (available on this ESC webpage) to ESC members, and in general to all doctors, with the aim of helping them improve their management of hypertensive patients.

Professor Gianfranco Parati, Chair of the Council on Hypertension 2022-2024

Working with the World Hypertension League

World Hypertension League website

The theme this year is “Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longer”,  promoting increased awareness of high blood pressure and accuracy in blood pressure measurement, toward the control of hypertension related NCDs, especially in low to middle income areas. To help achieve this, WHL members and partners are encouraged to participate in WHD via blood pressure screenings, calls to actions, community events, media releases, and awareness campaigns worldwide. These screenings and education on lifestyle modification and dietary salt reduction help reduce the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease in communities worldwide.

Some resources from World Hypertension League

Resources - Accuracy in BP Measurement

Resources - Salt Reduction

Certification courses

Certification Course to Improve BP Measurement

Certification Course for Home BP Monitoring

Other materials

Journal of Human Hypertension

Interviews on Hot Topics 

Scientific Content

Do You Know Stride BP ?

STRIDE BP is an international scientific non-profit organisation founded by hypertension experts with the mission of improving the accuracy of blood pressure measurement and the diagnosis and management of hypertension globally.

STRIDE BP operates in affiliation with the International Society of Hypertension, the European Society of Hypertension, and the World Hypertension League and is recommended by these organisations for providing guidance on the blood pressure measuring devices that are properly validated and should be used in clinical practice.

It provides lists of validated blood pressure measuring devices for office, home, and ambulatory use in adults, children, and pregnant women according to the latest scientific evidence, as well as interactive educational modules and practice tools for the optimal use of blood pressure measurement methods and devices.

To know more


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