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Volume 4

Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology

Members of the Media Task Force of the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Genomics and invited guest contributors are pleased to present you with this collection of resources on congenital heart disease:

Stefan Kaab

Silvia Castelletti

Antoine Bondue

Vibeke Elisabeth Hjortdal

Anne Kathrine Møller Nielsen

Magalie Ladouceur

Julie De Backer

Jeroen Breckpot

How-to article

When to consider genetic counseling and testing in patients with congenital heart disease?  

Find out

Commented article

A review of "Genetics in congenital heart diseases: unraveling the link between cardiac morphogenesis, heart muscle disease, and electrical disorders", Baban et al.

Read the article

Clinical case

Read this case of a 40-year old woman with first time atrial flutter.

Consult the case

Quiz on genetic and atrial septal defect

Test your knowledge on genetic and atrial septal defect.

Take the quiz

ESC Congress 2022

A selection of sessions on congenital heart disease:


Closure of atrial septal defect: what to consider

26 August 11:15–12:15, Room - Stockholm


Treating complex arrhythmia in complex congenital heart disease

27 August 11:15–15:15, Room- Stockholm


ESC Florence Nightingale Lecture in Nurse-Led Research in Congenital Heart Disease

27 August 10:15–10:45, Room - Dali


Guidelines in Practice: how to approach the adult congenital heart disease patient with acute decompensated heart failure

28 August 11:15–12:15, Room - Vienna & Online


Telemedicine in ACHD: challenges and opportunities - Joint session with the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD)

29 August, 16:30–17:30 Room- Stockholm


Pulmonary valve replacement in repaired tetralogy of Fallot

29 August 11:15–12:15, Room Stockholm


Anomalous coronary arteries from diagnosis to treatment

29 August 14:00–15:15, Room Amsterdam