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Speaker Guidelines

Heart Failure 2025, Belgrade & Online, 17 - 20 May

Please consult your Agreement Form for detailed information on your session(s).

Speaker Guidelines

Speakers will deliver their presentation(s) on the proposed topic respecting the allocated timing and will participate in the discussion or Q&A time of the session.


  • Must be available for the entire duration of the session,
  • Sit on stage with all Faculty,
  • Respect the allocated timing – this information is available on your agreement form,
  • Take into consideration the audiovisual guidelines below when preparing your presentation,
  • Share your slides with the Chairpersons and Discussants in advance – session preparation emails will be sent in May 2025 by ESC Team.
  • You can contact the scientific programme department: should you need further information.

Slide Template

We HIGHLY recommend that you use the Heart Failure 2025 Slide Template.

Audiovisual Guidelines

Technical Guidelines

All presentations should be 16:9 formatted and have a 1920 x 1080 minimum resolution.

They will be displayed from a PC with Windows 10 and PowerPoint 2019.

In order to ensure optimal delivery of your presentation, please stick to the following guidelines in the preparation of your presentation:

  • Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint version: type .pptx - for optimal rendering please use the official slide set template.
  • Please note that you can enter "notes" in your Powerpoint Presentation, as you will be able to view these from the electern display (speaker view only)
  • Preferred page set-up is landscape orientation (portrait orientation will not be displayed correctly).
  • Use standard Windows fonts only. Try to avoid the use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts.
  • Images: Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG). Make sure that the inserted images have a minimum resolution of 300dpi.
  • Video: All videos must be embedded in your presentation. To avoid any issue with movies and loops with PowerPoint, presentations MUST be saved as .pptx files.
  • Apple: Please give your filename an extension “pptx” (Preferred version: PowerPoint 2019).
  • Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer (preferably Win10) before you upload it. 


Personal laptop computers cannot be connected to the projectors in lecture rooms & presentations cannot be loaded directly onto the computer in the lecture rooms. Presentations must be uploaded via our online service.

To the attention of MAC users

If your presentation is on a Mac computer, we recommend you ONLY provide a Windows-compatible file.

Online upload 

The Online Upload Service will open at a later stage.
We highly recommend that you use this service to upload your presentation(s) in advance.

The Online Upload Service is fast and easy to use:
To upload your presentation, sign in to your MyESC Account on MyESC/My Agreements 
Full link:

Once connected, you will see under the presentation title a link to upload.

A step by step wizard will take you through the process -

  • First, you will need to select up to 3 Keywords 
    Select from an available list of topics/keywords - or with the option to use free text if you do not find a suitable entry. These are important to accurately index your presentation and be referenced on ESC 365.
  • Then you can upload your file.

For each presentation uploaded you will receive a confirmation email.

  • If your upload is successful, no further action is required, your presentation will be available for you in the lecture room.
  • If your upload is failed, you will be contacted by our technical team.

Once uploaded:

  • You can review your uploaded presentation anytime on your MyESC account or at the Speaker Service Centre
  • To modify your upload, you can re-upload a corrected version, only the latest uploaded version will be kept.

Presentations can be uploaded online until midnight (GMT+1) the night before the presentation is scheduled to take place. So even whilst at the congress, you can use this service.

Speaker Service Centre

A faculty lounge will allow you to relax, meet with colleagues and discuss your presentations. Desk & plugs are also available in the lounge if you need to finalise your presentation before uploading.

Speaker Service Centre (SSC) Opening Hours

  • Friday 16 May - 15:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday 17 May - 07:30 - 17:00
  • Sunday 18 May - 08:00 - 16:30
  • Monday 19 May - 08:00 - 16:30
  • Tuesday 20 May - 08:00 - 12:00

Speakers can come to the Speaker Service Centre to review their previously uploaded presentation as well as for technical assistance from the dedicated team.

The Practice stage: we have recreated a lecture room stage for you to test out the functionalities available and the Presentation Management System at the lectern - if you want to practice before showtime - ask our hostess onsite.

Photo Booth:  A photographer is available to take your professional portrait which you can then transfer to your Speaker Profile or for your personal use.

Features for speakers in the lecture rooms


The presentation management screen for the speaker in the lecture room is providing options designed to enhance and facilitate your intervention on stage

  • The eLectern is operated as a Touch Screen (use your finger to navigate between the slide, activate functions, POINT to a specific are of your slide (as you would with a mouse)
  • Notes: if you enter notes on your presentation, these will appear on the side of the electern - not visible by the audience - you can increase the size of the font depending on how you wish to use these
  • Preview next slides: your next slides appear on the right side of the eLectern, to help you better manage the flow of your presentation
  • Time management: a time management bar shows you the remaining time for your presentation. A warning will show on the lectern when the timing is about to expire. A notification to conclude and close your presentation will show when the time allocated is over

The audience does not see the full eLectern view - ONLY the slide shown at the time on the main window of the eLectern is visible by the audience.

Stage Set Up

All Faculty will sit on the stage in all lecture rooms in order to facilitate and animate discussions throughout the session.
Please arrive early - so you can be placed on stage by the hostess.
All faculty need to remain in the session for its entire duration to participate in discussions and concluding comments as may be required.

Declaration of interest

The existence of potential conflicts of interest does not necessarily indicate a bias. However, it is our ethical obligation to inform participants so that they are made aware of any relationship that might cause unintentional bias.

A potential conflict of interest may arise from various relationships, past or present, such as employment, consultancy, investments and stock ownership, funding for research, family relationship etc. This will allow the audience to take potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the presentation.


When accepting the role(s) via the agreement form, Speakers / Chairpersons / Discussants / Presenters have to declare possible conflict(s) of interest. This information is accessible to edit and update as may be required. It is the person's responsibility to ensure the information is up to date in the system - a Declaration of Interest (DOI) slide will be automatically generated, as second slide, by the upload system based on the information entered. 

We request the DOI Slide to be displayed and read out loud to give the audience sufficient time to take note of the conflicts disclosed.

Chairpersons/Discussants must declare possible conflict of interest regarding the topics of the presentations orally at the beginning of the session.

View the regulations for invited Faculty


Presentations given at the congress will be featured on ESC 365.
Please refer to the online agreement form for the copyrights terms.

Update Your My ESC Profile

In order to give you more visibility, we strongly encourage you to review, complete or update your My ESC Profile, as this information will be featured on the ESC Congress online platform and ESC 365 (including your biography and your contributions to ESC related activities).

Spread the word about #HeartFailure2025

promotional toolkit with graphical elements is available to help on the promotion of Heart Failure 2025 to your network.

Be active on Social Media

Share the science and add your voice to the biggest CV conversation on X!

  • Use Congress #HeartFailure2025
  • For posts you deem pertinent for ESC to share, please tag @escardio
  • Post about the major breakthroughs/conclusions/highlights, and with the most relevant images from the speaker
  • Avoid promotional posts ie 'session xyz starting now’ or content that does not give any scientific value ie 'Great talk from @abc…’ without adding her/his key messages, points etc
  • Quote the speaker, or tag their profile using their handle
  • Double check spelling and grammar
  • If you have a concern/complain don’t use social media to raise it. Talk to a member of staff. We are always at your service
  • Won’t have time to post? You can still share it (repost)
  • Apply same ethics & etiquette you would in any other context
  • Comment, like and share posts on the congress

Video / Audio / Photos

The recording of video or audio during any session of ESC Congresses is strictly prohibited.

It is the responsibility of each presenter or speaker to notify the audience of any restrictions on the photography of the content they are presenting. 
Such an announcement must be made at the beginning of the presentation.

ESC 365

After the congress your presentation will be referenced accordingly on ESC 365.