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Clinical Case Presenter Guidelines

EACVI Best of Imaging 2022, 8-9 December 2022

These guidelines are dedicated to the clinical case presenters.

The Online Upload Service is now open

To upload your presentation : Go to My Agreements


These Guidelines are dedicated to presenters in a clinical case session.

Carefully check your agreement form confirming the type of presentation and consult the guidelines below to prepare your presentation accordingly.

Your presentation slides must be prepared on 16/9 format and we highly recommend the use of the EACVI Best of Imaging 2022 slide template

We remind you that all presentations featured on EACVI Best of Imaging 2022 will then be available on ESC 365 in their respective formats.

We are committed to showcasing your presentation in the best possible light.

To that end, there are a few simple tips and tricks we can suggest to make your recorded presentation stand out


Before you start the upload process, YOU FIRST NEED TO INSTALL THE DEDICATED APP using the following link -

How to prepare my presentation?

Digital Presentation Format - Slides

Please refer to your agreement form to see the session format in which your clinical case has been accepted - It will also specify your presentation duration and the maximum slides allowed.

Your presentation should remain short and should focus on the key results of your research. Your presentation timing must not exceed the presentation time indicated on your agreement form.

Clinical Case sessions 

To be featured on ESC365, you need to prepare a 6 Slides PowerPoint Presentation (including the Title one) and to have ready the corresponding 5 minutes commentary. This timing should be strictly respected. The DOI slide will be automatically inserted in your set of slides by our technicians based on your declaration at the time of the submission of the agreement form. 
At the time of the upload of your slides, you will record your commentary with an automated assistance service. 

For the Live Session you will need to use the same PPT slides and present LIVE in 5 minutes followed by Q&A of 3 minutes with the chairpersons/moderators and the audience.

Audiovisual guidelines for oral presentation

All presentations should be 16:9 format and have a 1280 x 720 minimum resolution.

In order to ensure optimal delivery of your presentation, please comply with the following guidelines in the preparation of your presentation:

  • Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint version: type .pptx
  • The preferred page set-up is landscape orientation (portrait orientation will not be displayed correctly).
  • Use standard Windows fonts only. Try to avoid the use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts.
  • Images: Make sure that inserted images have a minimum resolution of 300dpi.
  • Video: All videos must be embedded in your presentation. To avoid any issue with movies and loops with PowerPoint, presentations MUST be saved as .pptx files.
  • Apple: Please give your filename an extension “pptx” (Preferred version: PowerPoint 2016).
  • Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer (preferably Win7) before you upload it

Declaration of interest is mandatory but does not need to be inserted in your set of slides. At the time of the submission of the agreement form, you will be required to fill the dedicated field that will be automatically inserted by our service as the 2nd slide of your presentation.

Please consult the dedicated page on How to successfully deliver a digital presentation. 

How to upload my presentation?

At the time of the submission of your agreement form, you will be required to declare your potential conflict(s) of interest. The information collected will then be inserted in your PowerPoint set of slides for oral presentations. No need then to create your own DOI slide;

Slide presentations

Online Upload Services are now open. All presentations must be uploaded via our Online service before Friday 18 November 2022. Content not uploaded at this date will be withdrawn.

Your presentation slides must be prepared on 16/9 format and we highly recommend the use of the EACVI Best of Imaging 2022 slide template

Once connected, you will see under the presentation title a link to upload.

  • A step by step wizard will take you through the process
  • You will be first directed to your Speaker Profile to update your profile
    • Option to upload a picture or to give your consents for use of the existing picture
    • Option to provide or update Social Media information
  • Then to the Upload of your Powerpoint
  • DOI - The information declared at the time of the submission of the agreement form will be automatically inserted by our services as a 2nd slide in your presentation. 
  • On the next screen, you will be asked this year to select 3 Keywords (from an available list of topics/keywords - or with the option to use free text if you do not find a suitable entry) - These are important to accurately index your presentation to be referenced on ESC 365
  • For each presentation uploaded you will receive a confirmation email with the status of your upload
  • To modify your upload, you can re-access the service and upload a corrected version, only the latest uploaded version will be kept


ESC 365 and Social Media

ESC 365

It is important to remind the audience that the presentations given in the sessions will later be available on ESC 365.

Please make sure to update your speaker profile to be featured with your presentation(s)

Be active on Twitter

Share the science and add your voice to the biggest CV conversation on Twitter!

  • Use #EACVIBestOf2022
  • For tweets, you deem pertinent for ESC to retweet, tag @escardio
  • Tweet about the major breakthroughs/conclusions/highlights, and with the most relevant images from the speaker
  • Avoid promotional posts ie 'session xyz starting now’ or content that does not give any scientific value ie 'Great talk from @abc…’ without adding her/his key messages, points, etc
  • Quote the speaker, or tag their Twitter profile
  • Double-check spelling and grammar
  • If you have a concern/complain don’t use social media to raise it. Talk to a member of staff. We are always at your service
  • Won’t have time to tweet? You can still retweet (RT) @escardio , @ESC_Journals or your network’s tweets; stay engaged and comment to their tweets with your view or RT with comment (quote)
  • Apply same ethics & etiquette you would in any other context

Video / Audio / Photos

The recording of video or audio from any presentation on the webpages of EACVI Best of Imaging 2022 is strictly prohibited.

Restrictions on photography are at the sole discretion of the presenter and must be announced to the audience at the start of the presentation.